Reviews for Pureblood Dreams Halfblood Nightmares
Starkid191 chapter 33 . 10/6/2012 that...Aragon? Epic :)
pg chapter 48 . 9/9/2012
Well, the end. Enjoyed the story- a lot more than I expected to, given that (shock, horror), HP isn't my usual read. Looking forward to reading some of your original writing.
pg chapter 45 . 9/9/2012
Oh wow! The last few chapters have been very powerful, very well written.
pg chapter 39 . 9/9/2012
Ooh, those tricky elves! Living up to their reputation. Plots moving along nicely.
pg chapter 37 . 9/7/2012
Very minor point in a good chapter, but I thought from the previous chapter that iron railings wouldn't work? Maybe I misunderstood.
pg chapter 36 . 9/7/2012
Like the rearranged city. And the academics. A few typos. I was wondering why fighting elves with iron hadn't been mentioned sooner - thought that was common knowledge! :-) but adding the science angle to it is a neat bit of storytelling.

The pace of plot movement in the last few chapters seems faster - which does suit the shift to action / war IMHO.
pg chapter 27 . 9/6/2012
Ooooh! Twists n turns. Like.
PG chapter 21 . 9/5/2012
Very nicely done. Lots of threads, but it hangs together as a chapter.
Pluto's Princess chapter 48 . 6/26/2012
When I first started reading, I was like "oh, whatever, another Marauder story to take up time while I'm sick"


This is not any other Marauder story.

Morrigan was brilliant. I absolutely loved her character and her relationships with Severus and Voldemort.

When you got into her story about Tintagel and the elves it felt like another entire world of magic and war and ELVES.

The elves scare the crap out of me.

But honestly, if you were to write a book in the world of Tintagel, I'd read it. Repeatedly.

THE ENDING. Ohhh gosh. I admit, I kind of want to kill you right now, but I'll hold off..

Thank you for writing this.
ZedPM chapter 48 . 6/6/2012
I have FINALLY finished it! I'm so sorry it's taken so long, I've been insanely busy lately and it hasn't left much opportunity for fanfiction.

And...WOW. What an ending. The battle was fantastically detailed and fast-paced but still easy to follow, the dragons were amazing and I teared up at Fothergill's death even though we barely knew him, and Frank... :(

I was worried about Remus being unable to return to human form, but I'm glad he retained his mind and that he "seemed more relaxed than he had ever been as a man" because he never did get much peace as a man, and it's nice to know he managed to get some, somehow...

Harry's middle name was very appropriate, I'm still upset about Sirius's death. :( I'm so glad Morrigan and Severus ended up together though! And aww, Harry and Neville getting to be best friends growing up...and Draco with a sister?

And then there I was thinking that they all finally had peace and (even though, for Morrigan's sake, it was slightly sad when he died) Voldemort is coming back! What an ominous ending! I wonder if things would actually be any different, if he did come back, after everything...

Great work!

PG chapter 19 . 5/30/2012
Like the device of an interlude, and sinister too!
PG chapter 18 . 5/20/2012
Can't wait to see what the Elves are going to be like. Liked the last few chapters a lot, eveything's developing nicely.
PG chapter 15 . 5/18/2012
nice chapter. all four sub-plots carried along. What's in store next?
PG chapter 12 . 5/18/2012
I wasn't so sure about the speech. The meaning is clear enough, but it felt a bit too intellectual, and not emotive enough - particularly not to rouse a bunch of teenage boys! As a whole it read more like a Leninist tract than a call to arms. Compare with Mussolini's speeches, for example (google Mussolini speech 1940 - you;ll find both an english translation and the recording on youtube ( watch?vgaq8xmjcfpE) - there's some wordystuuf in there, but some short snappy pieces too.
PG chapter 13 . 5/15/2012
Arrggh! Suddenly it's all turned really nasty. Very well done, no warning, just like there was no warning of the attack.
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