Reviews for Common Interests
Human chapter 58 . 7/24
Awee I love this so much! As Callie says, more please!
SiriusPotter-Evans31 chapter 3 . 7/24
Nice chapter, but Dumbledore didn't live to see 150 years, he was 115 when Snape killed him in the Half Blood Prince, so when your story is taking place, he is actually only 109 years old. Info is taken from Wizarding World but it may not be accurate, so correct me if I'm worn ;)
456snarky chapter 58 . 7/21
yay Skull is back. Loki and Callie are going to be trouble!
Talhulla chapter 13 . 7/21
Oh god, i just start this fic today and now i don't know if i want to continue.
If i cry because of Skull in chapter 13 what surprise wait for me in the other.

Now that i will cursed you like the twin did to malfoy if you kill skull.

you can kill Harry and Severus but please not skull

I joking but great writing i like your fic
SiriusPotter-Evans31 chapter 58 . 7/20
Puh-LEASE let one of the children bond with Harry! (prefferably Cassie, but meh, who am I to tell you?)
I wonder if Ghost is going to be the teacher for Dante?
LOOOOOOVE the story. Please, NEVER think on abandoning this masterpiece!
ak chapter 58 . 7/20
Just found your story recently. Am really enjoying the story. And I love your OC's. Very original, very relatable. And I've gotten oddly attached to Skull.
witchsbroom chapter 58 . 7/20
Oh what a lovely chapter. Looks like Lions and Snakes are learning to play together. Love the inter play between all the students, and Severus inputs his own style. Yep looks like Lockhart is going to be surprised by the picture as well as the staff regarding the 2 houses getting along. Oh I just love Skull showing up and with 2 of his fledglings (love the names) yep Hogwarts will never be the same and if they meet the Weasleys twins God help us all. Can't wait to see what happens next, and if Dante finds out what's roaming around Hogwarts
MrGoldfan chapter 58 . 7/20


And with his kids-aww! I hope one of them will bond with Harry because he needs another familiar!

Dante could use one too-if he has some of the old magic.

I really want to know about the creature.
Rumple's Dearie chapter 58 . 7/20
I loved how supportive Sev is of Dante with his art, it's clear the kid was abused and ignored except when Sulla wanted something of him.

Harry really needs to tell Sev (or Skull now that he's back)
about the voice he heard.

So glad Skull is back with his two children!

Please let one bond with Harry! *begs*
JWOHPfan chapter 58 . 7/19
Great chapter, I loved it!
DarkRavie chapter 58 . 7/19
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19
ak chapter 42 . 7/17
I love the invisible witnesses and their invisible signatures. Beautiful!
Guest chapter 57 . 7/17
holaaa cuando seguirás con la historia?
witchsbroom chapter 57 . 7/16
OMG these last 2 chapters are just great and funny. Looks like Harry and Dante are forming a good bond (sure hope Dante can come clean to Harry at least about his father and the DE's) Looks like Harry and Daphne are starting a nice friendship, and Harry needs someone that just see's him. Oh can't wait to see what there late night tracking comes up with (and when students start to get petrified) can't wait to see what happens next and if the figure out what the creature
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