Reviews for Total Drama Blainerific
xXMysticMuserXx chapter 5 . 3/30/2016
This story predicted some things in the future seasons!
ShortAsVegeta chapter 37 . 11/2/2015
I keep reading this fanfiction from the beginning almost everyday...I love this story and honestly you're one of the best writers I've ever seen.

I do wish you would finish this, but it's not like I could force you too (as entertaining as that might be XD)

I wish you luck on any and all future endeavors.

-formerly LiveUrLife2013
Emily A. Elliott chapter 37 . 10/14/2014
The next challenge should be this:
You're paired up with someone and you have your own territory. You have a tranquilizer dart gun and the darts are filled with some drug that makes you unconscious for a few hours. You can do whatever you what to any one. You can also take over someone's territory or just stay hidden.
Last one "alive" wins a prize and you win a prize.

May be call it "The Not So Civil War" or something like that.

BTW Go Angie, Emily, and Zakk!

XxRin-sanxX chapter 5 . 9/17/2014
Ooh, a female villain! Hmm... Not sure about her yet, but I'm sure in later episodes she'll really come out of her own ans gain a spot as a true evil diva - the next Heather! ;)

XxRin-sanxX chapter 4 . 9/17/2014
I'm actually a bit on the relieved side that it was a bit rushed, I can't imagine how long it would be if you hadn't! Then again, you are a good writer, so long can always equal better... :) Okay, whoo boo, next chapter. :D

Delaney Hart chapter 37 . 9/5/2014
Oh, I love this story! I seriously hope you continue!
The Dragon 1000 chapter 37 . 8/9/2014
Wow, I'd almost forgotten about this. I love your writing and am disappointed that there won't be a season two. But I'm really excited to see how this turns out!
Dark Punxysaur chapter 37 . 7/25/2014
Well this season is almost over! Woo!
JVM-SP150 chapter 37 . 7/20/2014
Another solid chapter and a good reminder of where things stand in the broader picture. Nice to see everyone again and you do catch the TD style for the Aftermaths reasonably. Nice work!

I'm assuming the producers' bit is a lampshade of saying you had to come back and finish your own unfinished project but won't do the sequel? (I totally respect that, just asking.)
DoktorK chapter 37 . 7/17/2014
Wow, I almost forgot this story existed. And how convenient that it's coming out alongside Total Drama P. Island.
mayday16 chapter 37 . 7/17/2014
Wow! It's been so long since I read this! I thought you had deleted it! And wowwwww so much has happened (or at least it feels like) so woah! The final five, that's crazy. Seems like not all hope is lost for Emily and Briana :o totally surprised at Rose, didn't expect her not to hate Briana, ya know? I wonder what the karma that gets Briana will be? Like a group beat up? Lmao or getting disfigured like Alejandro? I'm anxious to know, lol. Or maybe it's gonna be something not physical and more mental? Idkkkk. At this point I think Zac is gonna win but I'm kinda rooting for someone people wouldn't expect, like Richard. Did you know that this is the story with the second most reviews on Total Drama Fanfiction? Props to you for that!
Lilleth Smith chapter 37 . 7/17/2014
Jesus Christ Jacky take it easy. Hahaha I like what you did there though. A lot better than getting pantsed :) hehe
Great update chPter :DD can't wait to see the next challenge
JVM-SP150 chapter 36 . 7/14/2014
Holy crap, it's still alive! Thank God, I was just thinking about this fic the other day!

Another creative challenge idea that has a simple way of being TD-ified without needing to get too crazy of confusing, Blaineley's as hilarious and crazy as ever but manage to still seem like strangely but perfectly level-headed with the contestants. Sad to see Angie go before Briana but great chapter nonetheless. Can't wait for more!

Trying to think of challenge ideas but I'm drawing a blank right now, unfortunately. As always, happy to help if you need anything though!
Lilleth Smith chapter 36 . 6/27/2014
Aw that was awesome :DD
I'm so glad you started writing this again! This was really good :D

I liked how Richard just kinda exploded! That was awesome :)
wishes on a broken stereo chapter 36 . 6/27/2014
like i said to you before, i'm super-excited to see that you updated!

first off, i'd (again) like to say that i'm really glad that i gave you the idea for the improv challenge. i don't think i gave you very much to go off of, so yeah, this was a great way of showing how the different pairs worked together. i, for some reason, really liked lucian and bunifa together, probably because their dynamic was the most humorous to me. i guess i'm also just a sucker for challenges like this due to "trial by tri-armed triathlon" back in s1, heh.

i'm sad that angie had to go because she was always one of my favorites, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. her reaction to things throughout this chapter sort of reminds me of gwen back in tda, when she felt super-guilty about all of the garbage that went on with trent and the grips and junk. now i'm def rooting for lucian to get a little bit further, even though i know who wins already... _

also, i still stand by my sentiment that blaineley is an absolute weirdo... now you've gone and convinced me that she's the one that wrote "my immortal". damn you. *shakes fist*

ALL IN ALL, i loved this chapter like i do pretty much every chapter and your dumb, sweet face. i'll make sure to remind you to update this every so often since you're so close to the end. (y)
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