Reviews for Something Else
Guest chapter 16 . 5/12/2019
We expect you to give us a scene of Scott being tormented. We won't be mad if you don't, just disappointed.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/12/2019
Imagine all the girls savagely destroying the author if she'd killed off Ellis.
Krulla Chief chapter 31 . 1/21/2015
Too be fair with the Tank thing, you were being a slightly sadistic Director, and for some reason I like this version better.
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 18 . 6/19/2014
Okay, so if the infection is spread by biting, and Dal bit Nick earlier at his ex-wife's house why isn't he an infected yet? And you can't tell me it's because Dal's a special infected and can't carry the virus to others. Why else would they not show the characters getting bitten in the game? They mostly die from being pummeled to death or scratched to death etc. (Please don't think this is a flame, I realize it sounds a bit like one but I honestly haven't slept yet and it's 2:15 PM and I can't seem to get my question out any other way. So, sorry about sounding snappish, that's not how I mean it I swear!)
Miko1st chapter 30 . 9/2/2013
One of the best L4D stories I've ever read.
shidoni16 chapter 32 . 8/26/2013
Aw man...Can't you just finish this story and then rewrite it. I and Some people have probably been waiting for so long to finally read how this story ends. Pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssssse I'll give you a cooooookie
bloody raptor chapter 31 . 8/13/2013
Will this new version be under a different title?
Sayuri-Yuuko chapter 30 . 5/5/2013
This is just absolutely the most cutest story ever! Dal is just adorable and I love his and Nick's relationship! I'm just bombarded with all these feels! :D
SoulMore chapter 30 . 10/16/2012
Is Dal's 'family' going to show up in the next charter(s)?
Soten-ni-zase chapter 30 . 7/10/2012
Oh noes, Dal is le child abuse victim! Wait, that might explain why he gravitated toward Nick, sensed a kindred spirit.
L33sy chapter 27 . 6/13/2012
wow... just wow. The great detail of this chapter was absolutely amazing. This is one of my many favorite chapters by you. Sorry i only reviewed twice so far for this story D: I get so interested in this story and don't want to stop reading. I love your work and i hope you keep making chapters for this story :)
L33sy chapter 2 . 6/11/2012
So far, I really like the plot for this story and this chapter :) You hit the survivors personalities right on target. I can't wait to finish reading, yet I don't want to finish XD
Neekerisanni123 chapter 30 . 5/27/2012

It's me, Neekerisanni123, the same one from DeviantArt. Decided to drop in a review, just to let you know of this one thing...


Thank you, and have a nice day. 3

pikachucat chapter 30 . 4/11/2012
awesome story plz write more
bob the kraken chapter 29 . 4/6/2012
great story
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