Reviews for Falling Slowly
Doranwen chapter 6 . 8/4/2018
I love the conversation with Jerry, that was fantastic. And the breakup and them cuddling to sleep... the whole fic is awesome. I feel like there was more you were going to write and never did, which is sort of too bad, because this is one of the best fics I've read so far. Very enjoyable!
1Shootingstar78 chapter 6 . 9/2/2013
Liked it a lot
BekaRoo chapter 2 . 7/28/2013
I love this fic a lot and I really really wish you would continue this fic. I would love to see what happens next. Please continue this fic
BekaRoo chapter 6 . 7/12/2013
Please please please let there be more. Please continue this fic
MP31 chapter 6 . 6/1/2013
I love this story...please update soon:/ please please
kmart92 chapter 6 . 4/8/2012
Please tell me you're planning on continuing this story eventually? I've just re-read it for probably the 7th time and each time it just keeps getting better, but I want more! At least one more chapter, please?
jh126 chapter 6 . 11/23/2011
Whew! That was fantastic! I mean, I reaallly liked all six chapters, and I just hope you're going to continue with this story-line. And, for the record, I like your story-line way better than the how it evolved on the show. I mean I did like the tv ending, and can't wait to see how that progresses, but I like your version, too. I like that Andy ended it with Luke without having Jo be a part of the whole thing. Makes more sense anyway, your version. Keep 'em coming, please!
JJ chapter 6 . 11/20/2011
Ahhh I've been reading these chapters and love how true you are to the characters. Please write more! :D:D:D:D:D
edge15684 chapter 6 . 10/26/2011
I love this story. Please update soon
Exuperance18 chapter 6 . 9/29/2011
Hi! I like your idea that the Bergen case would have made Andy realized her feelings for Sam (too bad it wasn't like that one the show :)). Anyways, I was wondering if you are done with this story? If not, please update a bit! :) Thank you for sharing - Emma
icewitch73 chapter 6 . 8/29/2011
What a fabulous story? I think I held my breath all through chapter two? Also, chapter three...BEST FIGHT EVER! Holy Mother, that was amazing! I loved all the chapters actually, but am unclear as to whether this is finished or not? I get the impression that it is, but it doesn't say completed? If there is more on the way, YAY, but if not, thank you for such a wonderful story.

The ending perfection. :)
nana-puddin chapter 6 . 7/31/2011
Absolutely love this story. You caught Sam's character perfectly. I hope you finish it off :) I'll be patiently waiting..actually i lied not patiently :P
giraffee chapter 6 . 7/25/2011
Loved your story. I think you did a phenomenal job staying true to the characters, even Luke.
edwardfiend chapter 6 . 7/16/2011
This is a great fic! :D LOve it. please continue!
katesari chapter 6 . 6/27/2011
lovely story! hope to read more soon! bye
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