Reviews for Umbra
SGRTJ756 chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
Wow. The first time I read this story was a few months ago, since then I’ve reread it like four or five times and it still makes me shiver with excitement. This review comes late, I know, but it can’t be helped, every time I read it I end up speechless and thinking: ‘No human words could ever express the admiration I’m feeling for you right now.’ This is simply amazing, no, beyond that, I can’t even describe it. And since I decided that today I’d be finally reviewing everything I owed, it’s this story’s turn now. I’m deeply sorry for the delay.

Sephiroth/Kadaj is my favourite pairing, unfortunately not a popular pairing –at all. The number of fanfics for this pairing can be counted on the fingers of not one, but both hands; literally, there are no more than a dozen SephKad fics out there. I’ve been searching feverishly and that was all I could find. But even less fortunately, of all these only yours are worth reading, the rest are the average crappy rape-fics with shameful amounts of OoCness and/or horrible grammar. Even so, I think this story is so superb that it’s worth a hundred fics. The prose, plot and characterizations are, in one single word, perfect. Perfection, that’s what this story is.

The introspection into Kadaj’s mind is awe-inspiring and the way you portrayed Sephiroth is insuperable. The description of the crunch was thrilling; you can follow it word by word with increasing bewilderment, so fluently and painfully described you inevitably end up with an ‘ouch’ grimace in your face.

I love how Kadaj is revealed as the submissive child he is behind his rebellious, domineering façade and how he desperately yearns for his Mother’s love and acceptance. Also the small glimpse of Yazoo’s personality was very well managed. And Sephiroth..., I don't think I could ever read a better, no, a Sephiroth as good as yours. The way you introduced all of his facets, his mysteriousness, his deceitfulness, his manipulative personality and his godly aura, it’s otherworldly. I’m both in love and scared of your Sephiroth just as the Kadaj in this story. He’s like this cruel deity who wisely chooses when to show his compassionate side to his faithful acolyte. The introductory scene with Sephiroth suddenly showing up like an ethereal appearance was mind-bending, and I loved when he caressed Kadaj’s face and smiled to him in an odd affectionate yet creepy fashion.

I must admit that I have a kink for erotic asphyxiation but it was perfect for a character like Sephiroth. Perfect, appropiate, totally in character. (I’m even scared of how accurate your Sephiroth is.)

"You will do whatever I ask of you." It wasn't a question.

"I have no reason not to," Kadaj answered quietly, though he was puzzled by the declaration.


"Do you have faith in me, Kadaj?" "Would you die for my pleasure?"

Sorry to sound cliché, but best Sephiroth’s lines ever. I’m not exagerating a single bit; you won’t see me repeating this praise in any other fic. It’s exclusively for your Sephiroth –And trust me, I don’t add an author to my favourites after having read only one story if it wasn’t the most fascinating story I’ve ever read.

The following part was maybe the most breathtaking. It wasn’t a simple ‘smutty scene’, it was Sephiroth imposing all his power and dominance on Kadaj, yet it wasn’t rape (I would not be pleased if it were). It was Kadaj’s willingness to offer himself to Sephiroth, like a freewill offering to his personal God.

And it’s also great that you didn’t go straight to penetration and chose oral instead, I think it adds enough distance between them two and by denying Kadaj a physical gratification you have him enjoying for the sole purpose of pleasuring Sephiroth and even achieving his own psychological climax through it. This is exactly how I view canon Kadaj, appearances are deceiving and he is –and he’s totally aware that he is- nothing but a puppet. “Mother”’s puppet, Sephiroth’s puppet.

And if you allow me a little “humour”, the end sounded a bit like: ‘I’m not interested in f*ucking your brothers, but as long as you’re willing to serve as my sex toy, you can considered yourself safe.’ And that too was very like Sephiroth (though of course, I’m just simplifying things because I’m joking).

I usually read this story listening to Marilyn Manson’s ‘Evidence’, I’m not sure why but I feel it fits the lyrics pretty well. There are other songs I relate to the pairing and this story in particular, but that’s the first that always comes to mind.

This story has also inspired me to draw. I've been sketching different scenes as I imagine them and I wanted to ask you, if I ever manage to draw a worthy fanart, would you give me your permision to upload it to a public gallery?

I’m probably forgetting a lot of things I wanted to tell you about this story, but I hope you won’t mind if I ever drop you another review.

In regards to the poll in your profile, I obviously voted ‘It’s the best thing since sliced bread’, but I want to clarify that I was only refering to the Sephiroth/Kadaj variant. I’m not fond of Seph/Yazoo or Seph/Loz for that matter, I don’t find them compatible and for some other reasons with which I will not bother you.

May I be a little selfish and ask you for a sequel, maybe another non-related SK oneshot or a multi-chaptered SK story? Of course you don’t have to, but if you’ve ever considered and want to give it a try, you know that I’ll be devotedly reviewing every chapter.

Lastly, I used to take occasional readings of your blog but since had the wonderful idea of disabling external links I can no longer access. I never commented because sometimes it’s hard to know what to say, but you do have an interesting approach to life and stuff.

My best regards and please, never stop writing.
Cris UchihaxSasuNaru Freak chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
OMG i love it

SephxKadaj are my OTP

this is too perfect
MiriamPalamecia chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
wow...that's hot and evil
Illulian chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
oh dang! *fans away steam* _
Lynn chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
*That* was incredible! :D
kittycatsnak chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
I was so happy when this came up in my inbox. It's really nice to read something from you. You have such a wonderful talent, and really know how to capture a character. Your Sephiroth is perfect.
NanaG chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Ah wow that was pretty powerful. Loved how you explored Kadaj's mind and his reaction to Sephiroth's presence. And Sephiroth, you write him so well. Dark and mysterious and beautiful. A wonderful piece of writing!
emmythos chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
I must say, I was pleasantly surprised when I received an alert for something new from you. I had long since given up hope of you returning, even if just for a single story.

It's good to know that you're still writing. With talent such as yours, it would be a shame to give it up, although I'm sure you've been pursuing better things than fanfiction, as much as I love it. :)

I really enjoyed this, if in a twisted manner. I don't think anyone can write Sephiroth like you do. Although I'm not a fan of the pairing, it was definitely a worthwhile read.

It was great hearing from you again, and hopefully I will continue to in the future.