Reviews for Chaos at the Landsmeet
Thaeonblade chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
I'd love to see this warden's full story!
RandomKrazyPerson chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...oh...oh...i CANT BREATHE! but does seem like nobody, BUT your party actually notices what you do...
Phifalling chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
That was great, I love the complete and utter insanity anything with Angéligue has.
timunderwood9 chapter 1 . 4/17/2012
I really like this illustration of your pet peeve about executing Loghain because Alistair wants you to- although thinking about the whole situation semi rationally, the game problem is something of a false dilemma, what drove Alistair off was the thought of him joining the Grey Wardens, he wanted Loghain dead, but if he'd been locked up somewhere Alistair could have lived with it.

Although I absolutely loved working through that scene, since I had no idea Alistair would actually leave. And also it was fun role playing as an HFN who had all sorts of contradictory motives running here, and who was driven by Alistair's reaction to Loghain to a solution she really didn't like.
Dr34ming chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
God she must be awful! Poor poor Alistair. He's going to regret that decision for the rest of his life. I still love your stories! They're always really funny and light.
the stone tiger chapter 1 . 8/7/2011

i guess this is one of those parodies of stuff you don't like huh?

because if not, you'd be the biggest hypocrite alive (unless you're a zombie of course... in which case you'd be the biggest hypocrite un-dead)

anyway I did get a good chuckle out of this, so good job
Obscura Wilde chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
I would totally quit the Blight as well if I were in her shoes. HAHAHA! Great job!
BucklesintheSun chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
So much love... so much for you and this story. I laughed until I cried. Thank you.
3cars chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
i think this is based on one of your pet-peeves, yes?

i could tell as i was reading it. wow. overly dramatic. laughed so hard.

at times like that, i'm sure everyone just wanted to quit the blight. or reload a save.
AnimeAngel90 chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
Ah, this story was hilarious! Poor Loghain. Especially poor Alistair - somehow dating her and being unaware of it. I can't stop giggling. Poor PC...I imagine she's not going to be playing the game anymore :(

This reminds me of a LOTR story I read once about a mary-sue that they all hated who kept changing every other paragraph (hair colour, love interests, species, powers, the whole package) - you seem to have a similar gift for taking apart terrible characters/cliches in a hilarious way!
JackOfBladesX chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
I quit the blight...LOL

Try saying that in the middle of a darkspawn battle. Angelique facing down the Archdemon, before a stray breath attack covers her in dust. "FU Archdemon, i quit your stupid blight!" And she walks off, ignoring the battle going on around her.

Nice oneshot.
tehedward chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
I love your stories! Your humor one's are some of the best stories on this site, and Angélique is quite possibly the greatest character concept EVER!
Arsinoe de Blassenville chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
So much so grin at. Blatant, mysteriously unnoticed blood magic (or rather, only noticed by Loghain, the Only Sane Man). Alistair seizing on Anora as an excuse to escape Angelique. Angelique "quitting" the Blight.

You know it makes perfect sense. When Alistair is "betrayed" by the Warden when she refuses to murder Loghain to please him, everybody's sorry for him when he storms off to be a drunken deserter. When the Warden is betrayed by Alistair publicly dumping her (which I think is much more convincing as a form of betrayal), she's supposed to suck it up and save the country like a good little chump.
mutive chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Hah, I love this...the idea of Alistair marrying Anora just to escape Angelique...well, I would too! I love, too, the idea that the entire Landsmeet has been controlled via blood magic...including, apparently, the reverend mother.
bhut chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Is it just me, or you do have serious reservations about the whole Angelique/Alistair pairing in DA?
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