Reviews for Death's Waltz
Owule chapter 3 . 1/16/2012
This story is really good, I've been watching it since it first came out. Would you mind updating it or even just telling me how it ends?

It's nice to see an angsty Heero vs. a cold Duo.

very well written. _

Kusje chapter 3 . 9/24/2006
Oh thats mean. 3 years and no update ;o; But lovely story, nonetheless!
amy chapter 3 . 10/9/2004

Bubblegum Thai chapter 3 . 9/22/2003
It was by chance that I came across this and I'm SO glad that I did!

This is SO cool! I don't usually like 1x2 but this is excellant! PLEASE continue! I beg of you almighty Site-person! ::grins::

Oh...and this chapter wasn't crappy...but I LOVED the bit with the pictures!
Clow'd9 chapter 3 . 8/1/2003
Ive had this on my fave list for so long waiting for you to update it. Please do! It looks like you've given up but you really shouldn't. Its extremely original and very well written. I love the mature Duo and the slightly emotional Heero. Great transition. Update please!
chaotic kaat chapter 3 . 7/21/2003
this was really great, i ended up crying, THANKS A LOT! hope you continue with this.l
Jazzy chapter 3 . 4/3/2003
I love this fic! I don't understand why you don't update it that much...I want to see how it ends up! please update!
Zeroofthedragons chapter 3 . 3/16/2003
So far, this stories great! theres more coming, right? theres got to be more-soon!

the beginning was sad...but it suits the purpose.
Kiken Yuy chapter 3 . 2/15/2003
Well that was...different. I never expected that kind of reaction from Duo. Truth be told, I was holding my breathe through the whole chapter. I was worried how Duo would treat Heero after all that. Glad to see he gave Heero another chance. Hope to see more soon!
Suzume Tori chapter 3 . 2/12/2003
YAYYYYYYYY! I KISS YOUR FEET AND WORSHIP YOU! **kisses feet** **worships** You did more! I can breathe, I live, all is so beautiful and welll! _

Ehehehe... I think it should end happy. I think it should end 2X1, and happy. **nods** but that's just me. And besides, if this ends sad, i think i will just go wilt into a... wilty thing.
Lain Barton chapter 3 . 2/8/2003
I wanna cry now...Duo mean...even if Heero deserved some of it... BUT THAT UGLY BLOND BITCH PISSES ME OFF! Thank god she's dead or i'd have killed her myself! GRRRR! plz make Duo love Heero again...PLZ!*showers her with Gundam plushies*
giiirrrll chapter 3 . 2/7/2003
oh gosh! it's been great so far :) i'm enjoying it greatly. hurry with the next chapter!
moonlightsirentoo lazy to login chapter 3 . 1/31/2003
need another chapter...need another chapter...
Sorrel chapter 3 . 1/30/2003
gaaaah it's all saaaaaaaaaad... now I'm all sad... this is a truly incredible story, I can't wait till you write more.
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