Reviews for Not on my Watch
Chrischime chapter 81 . 6/30/2019
I hope someday you write more. I know it’s an old fandom now but still an important one. I’ll admit that I was hoping for more “Lucas crunch”, ELF that I apparently am, lol. You can tell you do a lot of research. Impressive.
Guest chapter 34 . 11/4/2018
I’v Done more research for fanfic stories than school projects or work assignments. It’s a pity scriptwriters won’t return the favor.
Guest chapter 26 . 11/3/2018
Never apologize for romance; love makes the world go round. And if scriptwriters would give us more three-dimensional female characters, fanfic authors wouldn’t have to create so many OFCs nor write so much slash.
Guest chapter 22 . 11/3/2018
One good thing about being poor and unimportant is that no one will hurt my husband or kids to get to me. Sincywe’re caught up to seaQuest in real time, I’ve been debating having Lucas kidnapped so the BAU can rescue him. He probably knows Penelope Garcia and at least knows of Spencer Reid.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/3/2018
I always expected Nathan and zktidtin to marry and at the time I seriously thought about killing off Drwolenczsk and ms yellerman so they could adopt livas
Andh02 chapter 81 . 7/14/2018
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, i really couldn't stop reading it. The suspense and thrill of the chase trying to capture Zeller and Dre. I was heartbroken when Kendall died, when you come to love a character like his it's sad to see him go, but he died hero's death.
The fluff was brilliant, your chapters with Tim and Mary was so sweet so if anyone had issues they had no heart lol. i know l'm going to read this at a much slower pace next time i have a few days to myself. I look forward to reading more of your work.
paula neroni chapter 55 . 4/24/2018
I love the story. I'm reading it for a 2nd time. I don't know if this date stamps the reviews but today is 4/24/18. After this story I'm hoping to find more that you've written.
jujuone23 chapter 81 . 8/27/2015
I know I reviewed this before, but I love to go back and re read the ones I love every so often. This is like a novel( which I love, btw.) I'm very glad, though, that I didn't come across it as you were writing it. If there is a downside to reading fanfic its that sometimes you invest your imagination in a story and the writer loses interest and the reader is left feeling unfinished. I try my best to review everything I read chapter by chapter for that reason. I'm sure I told you last time that I only read Seaquest fanfic and it has to be season one characters because I'm vested in Kristin as my favorite character ever, lol. I did read the prequel to this though she wasn't in it, she was mentioned and in a way that I loved... belonging to Nathan. I've read every N/K fanfic I can get my hands on and each writer brings something different to the table. Sometimes I love the effort if not the entire story and others I adore. Most I do love, but I must tell you there are two chapters of yours that rank right up there at the top and possibly are the top of my favorites of all time... The one where Kristin canes Krieg captures the essence of the character I love so much. The other one is the charity auction when Kristin thinks Savannah is actually bidding on Nathan and then finds out the truth. I love this one for the same reason. One chapter showed her compassion and the other shows her wit, of mind, her humor and her never ending quest to outwit Nathan in a playful way. The two best qualities and why she is my favorite. Thanks for a great read and I really wish you would do another season one story!
infiniteworld8 chapter 8 . 2/12/2015
Okay this was great I think the captain is a little too stuffy for my tastes. He's going seems stiff when he's discussing the ring and the wedding. I loved Lucas fixing the computers in the computer store. I have a soft spot for young hacker genius types ;)

The last part was perfect. Lucas implying that he was marrying Dr. Westphalen had me cracking up. His mother so rightly deserved that moment of panic. And I liked that we got to see a bit of her motherly concern in this interaction rather than the cold hearted egg donor that she's come across as.
I’m still having trouble adjusting to this whole world underwater thing. I think the concept is kind of confining because I’m used to Star Trek . The oceans are only so big but space is infinite , you know?
I kind of want to write a Seaquest set in space? But I wonder if by doing so I would be missing out on what makes Seaquest unique.
infiniteworld8 chapter 7 . 2/11/2015
Sweet! A mushy but nice chapter. I really wish I knew more about the show so I could critique your characterization with a well versed eye. Nathan and Kristin seem somewhat mawkish...overly sentimental. I get they love Lucas and everybody does but the love seems overdone. Also the bold lettering for the e-mails was a tad distracting. I find Italics much softer on the eyes.
Once again another chapter of filler and I’m not feeling the build up to anything substantial. It reads like fluff. Well written and interesting but still fluff. Also I can’t help but feel that Lucas is barging in. He is seventeen after all he really could take care of himself...but I do also understand the want for a little guidance and paternal affection from whatever source happens to care and be available. I’m really hating Lucas mother and father more and more as the story goes on.
infiniteworld8 chapter 5 . 2/5/2015
I always love Lucas chapters best. I really connect with him as a character on multiple levels. Great job giving us an introspective look at his life. It’s really effective at characterization in this chapter and making the reader connect. Hopefully it’s a precursor giving us a way to really “get” the character before the action sets in so we can understand him better during the actual action.
Really hurting my heart here. I get the way he feels like he keeps trying to get attention and love and he’s finally at the point that if they don’t care then he might as well be done. I can feel Lucas woes on a PhD. It’s a bit much just to get one for the sake of getting it unless you have something to do it on that you’re totally passionate about.
Lucas mum is terrible. You can just feel the uncaring pouring off her. Westphalen feels more like a mum figure than his own mother.
infiniteworld8 chapter 4 . 2/5/2015
Yes, I remembered right. I knew that little piece of trivia about ear piercing. Lucas father sounds like a despicable individual. He takes time of for his son’s funeral but when it turns out he’s alive then he doesn’t bother to come see him. And the way he said he wasn’t sure if his mom was the winner or loser in picking him up was heart wrenching. I can’t stand parents like that. If you can’t be there for your children and not regard them as a burden then don’t have them!
I’m still warming to the idea of a talking dolphin. But I do see this happening, dolphins are immensely smart and I personally think that they and elephants have a large degree of sentience. That makes it sinful to kill the in my opinion.
I like the relationship Nathan and Lucas have, but then again I’m a sucker for a good healthy father –parent relationship.
rhinosgirl chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
Hi, Vici! Rhino here –hugs- I am completely fandom blind, so please forgive me any canon ignorance.
I’m immediately captivated by this story being set in the Galapagos Colony because this area is one of my favourite places in the world, and definitely on my List of Places To Visit.
I like the phrase “mentally frazzled”. It paints a far more accurate picture in my mind of someone who has studied far too much than, for example, the phrase “burnt out”. Nice word picture! I do, however, think that in the next sentence the title “sensor chief” should read “senior chief”. Forgive me if I am wrong!
Wendy is clearly dedicated to her job and her friends aboard ship. Even though she was on the brink of a break she was still concerned enough for them that she was giving them options to deal with whatever it was that had happened. (Another story for me to find add to my “To read” list!)
Yes, I’d be loath to pay someone for a month if I was only going to be using their services for a few days, too.
Oh, now I see that what happened involved time travel and an alien invasion of some sort. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I fear Bill is right. People are going to want to be protected from them over earthly dangers. Panic is a powerful motivator. Captain Bridger may well be fighting a losing battle here, no matter how logical his arguments are.
It definitely sounds like they need both Kristin and Wendy on the ship. Those tortures sound horrific, and certainly not anything any psychiatrist could deal with.
Here’s hoping Nathan gets his way!
infiniteworld8 chapter 3 . 2/4/2015
I think I'm getting the characters personalities (or at least your characterization of them). Tim is sweet, timid and a nerd? Wendy is likewise but has an undercurrent of resolve and determination when necessary and Mary is kind of a shadowy sweet kind helper in the distance.
Not much to say about this chapter. The mind speak was nicely delineated from the actual dialogue. Even though I’m not too familiar with the characters the characterization in them still came through and made sense to a semi-fandom blind person such as myself. I’m intrigued to know about these aliens...Ill guess I’ll have to watch the show though.
Once again this chapter fills like build up but beside character development and a request from readers I don’t see what it fulfils. It’s just my opinion I respect you choice to develop the story however you see fit. The overall pacing of the story is turning out quite slow, but that’s just my preference for fast pacing and a lot of action or intrigue showing through.
infiniteworld8 chapter 2 . 2/4/2015
Nice chapter I still don’t see what was so big about his secret. Except the lying on an application part. Kind of smart to be able to keep people from knowing his has dyslexia anyway...that’s hard to do. I do wish that this chapter was a little more fast paced. It mostly feels like filler, but hopefully it’s the set up for something more. Once again your writing was up to par.
I would like to say that you write dialogue really well in this story and in the other ones of yours that I have read. I think you could have condensed this chapter though into a shorter one and then combined it with the first. By itself it seems needlessly long and filled with bits of minutiae that while marginally interesting really have no place in the chapter. That’s what deleted scenes are for...I usually wind up with several for my multi-chap WIPS.
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