Reviews for Owned by Fire
mindmischiefs chapter 14 . 7/25
Welp. I'm just another adult who got into Avatar really late and found herself feeling all the wrong things for Ozai...thankfully I also found this fic :) If you ever update it, that would be amazing, but if not, please know I was captivated by this story!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/19
Is this story discontinued? Will you ever complete it? I’m hooked! And wonder what’s going to happen to Kian and Ozai!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/11
And here I am, in 2020 trying to find an Osaka fic with an OC and I’ve stumbled here and don’t want to leave! Sadly, the last update was in 2014 and goodness knows it’ll be a rare thing if this is updated again :( however, the 14 chapters present were so SO good that I’m happy with even this much!

If you do update, I can’t wait to see more character development for Ozai and Kian...they both have so much growing to do apart from each other and I have faith that you will do that well, not rushed and realistically.

I’ll definitely be lingering if you ever decide to update again!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/8
I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your story and hope that you'll update it soonish.
I remember reading years ago but it still stayed with me; because of the depth you gave Ozai and Kian.
paintcdladys chapter 14 . 5/14
This is still one of my favorite fics. I typically don't like OC centered fics but I absolutely love Kian and her complicated character.
Yuki Hattori chapter 14 . 4/2
It's 2020 and I'm still waiting for the next chapter
Sana chapter 8 . 7/3/2018
Well it’s kind of a relief to know Ozai did care about his son in his own way but because his son couldn’t be the person he wanted him to be he cut him off, abused him, and ultimately turned his own son against him. And as always Ozai doesn’t see the fault in himself, he’s got to blame somebody for it. What is a little heart wrenching is that Ozai, despite the huge amount of verbal abuse the is not subtle in ANY WAY about how much Azulon doesn’t care about him. I mean Ozai has given so much of his loyalty, proven so much, but Azulon is willing to kill him and his entire family, even says it to his face while he defends Irish and his birthright. And what I like about your Ozai is... that he doesn’t hate Iroh. In most versions of Ozai’s I’ve read in fan fiction, he is aware of the favoritism, hates both his father and his brother, and thus plots to gain the throne because his heart has just become so black hearted. But here he loves, he loves his father and his brother and he is so loyal. This reminds me a lot of how Zuko himself reacts to Ozai’s abuse. I mean it took 3 years doggedly searching for a legend whilst being banished and the likelihood that he would never find this legend, it seemed rather clear to anybody that Ozai was not planning to have Zuko home in any way, and yet Zuko persisted and believed that all of this was his father’s way of testing him to be a worthy heir. Even when he is labeled traitor he still persisted and I think Azula asking him for help was more of a way to ensure he stays loyal to the Fire Nation because of the fact she overheard her uncle trying to turn Zuko to the Avatar’s side. Ironically despite having his father’s love, it was the knowledge that he gained it because of a lie that made Zuko turn against his father. That and Iroh felt more like a father to him because he was always there while his own father merely pushed him away, even tried to kill him twice. I’m sorry but why did he have to scar his own son’s face, he could have maimed him in ways that was unnoticeable to people. But he strikes his son with a Fire ball in the face, I mean couldn’t Zuko have almost died. I suppose it depends on how writers portray Ozai’s attack on Zuko in the Agni Kai. But ultimately, Ozai is actually not as bad as Azulon, and it’s astonishing how after all those years Ozai still doesn’t see Azulon’s abuse for what it is. Perhaps this is the reasons why he can’t see the wrongs of his own actions against his own family if anything. Can’t really expect him to realize the suffering of other nations right off the bat. I think the only reason Zuko was able to see the suffering of other nations, was 1. He had to rely on the kindness of them during his brief stint as fugitive, and 2. As your story points out, Zuko seemed to have not much care for nationalism, especially written in the history books which were obviously ripe with nationalistic propaganda filled with how much better the Fire Nation was to the other nations and possibly why Manifest Destiny was important. Zuko always seemed pretty ambivalent about Fire Nation superiority, his reason for supporting the war wasn’t about inserting superiority but to help other nations, much like Iroh, which I guess is the reason the two connected so well.
Sana chapter 7 . 7/2/2018
Okay so if Zuko was born when Ozai is 22 then Ozai should be about 39 or 40 years old because I’m pretty sure Zuko is 17 or 18 when he becomes fire lord.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/18/2017
I hope some day you will come back to this story.
Hawk Troubadour chapter 14 . 7/21/2017
This is beautiful. I love this story. And it's been YEARS since you've updated. But I'm in love with everything you write and please don't stop and I don't know if you even look at this page anymore but you should because people here still love you and your stories. I love your prose. I love your descriptions. I love your characters. I love how you don't care too much about grammar errors. I love your attention to detail where it matters. I love how you know what matters and what doesn't matter. Please always write forever and never ever stop. Yes, that was redundant. On purpose. I have a villain fetish (yes, in the actual sense of the word). And Osai is incredible. Thank you for creating this story and for having the courage to post it. -Hawthorne Troubadour, Ranoko
skmd chapter 14 . 2/2/2017
Oh how I wish you'd update even though it's about 3 years later. The dynamic between Ozai and Kian is something I don't see often in Ozai fics so it's definitely my favorite in this pairing. I hope to see an update from you soon
Spark10111 chapter 14 . 7/26/2016
Just leaving a review to remind you that this story is awesome and people are still reading and still waiting. :)
gUest chapter 14 . 6/10/2016
yoooo we'd really love for you to update, I know it's been a while but there are so few good Ozai fics out there that it's difficult to wait man.
DiamondGross chapter 14 . 3/14/2016
Gosh I love this so much! I really like the characters and the story. You do a pretty good job with this! I hope they will meet again. I'm waiting so hard for the next chapter! :)
MemeSoldier chapter 14 . 2/23/2016
Are you ever gonna update again?
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