Reviews for Alright, Evans?
cosmic and stars chapter 27 . 9/22
hey! how could you leave us hanging?
we are desperately wating to read next chapter.
please! update the next chapter
IcomefromEngland chapter 27 . 8/10
srsly this cannot be the end nooooooooooooooo! there better be a sequel. hmph.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/10
I absolutely love this story I hope you write more I’d love to finally see lily and James get together! You’re an amazing writer!
JilyHinny forever chapter 20 . 5/10
wait, Mrs. Peeta Mellark?
cscs01 chapter 27 . 5/1
I just found it and this one is really amazing. I know its 5 years, but please update it if you can.
Liana Slater chapter 27 . 3/22

Liana Slater (Who lives in Florida and REALLY wants Breezieair to continue this)
Liana Slater chapter 26 . 3/22
I'm American and I live in Florida as well!
Guest chapter 27 . 10/18/2019
I just wanted to let you know that I loved your story. It was exceptionally well written. I sincerely hope that you could take the time to write one more chapter to tie off loose ends. Thank you so much for all the time you have already put into this story. It is not wasted.
Guest chapter 27 . 8/7/2019
Pls finish this, it’s amazing!
Guest chapter 27 . 4/13/2019
HAV3RSHAM chapter 27 . 2/7/2019
Wellllllllll I know I'm a few years late here, but WHAT THE HECK?! Finding a Fic this well written and with a plot THIS good, reading all 26 chapters for this freaking ending?! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS?!
Bungaroon chapter 27 . 1/31/2019
I absolutely adore this and while I hope with all my heart that you update it someday, I'm just grateful for everything you've already posted. Adorable and well written! Excellent job!
H.S. Sai chapter 26 . 1/10/2019
I know it’s been around 1 and a half year since you’ve last updated this fic, but if you would just add ONE more chapter tying up the plot lines (that Friday night, the prank, L/J, maybe Marlene/Sirius and Remus/Mary) or even just the Lily and James one, IT WOULD MAKE MY WEEK. Not just mine, hundreds of other readers and fans of this story. If not, I would love if you’d reply to this review telling me how you planned it all to wrap up. This is such a lovely fic! (I’m reviewing this chapter because I’ve alteady reviewed the last one, apparently! I can’t remember what I said though. Probably much of the same sentiments!)
Moon Monkeys chapter 13 . 1/6/2019
Dark Knight reference in the AN?
H.S. Sai chapter 27 . 11/27/2018
I absolutely love this story! It’s so good and I just read it all in one sitting. It’s currently 11:53 pm, and I have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow. That’s how good this story is! I’ll say it again; I absolutely adore it! Why am I buttering you up, you ask? Because I’d absolutely love love love (my vocabulary is clearly limited) it if you would continue it. Even if it was abrupt. If you get a moment, please reply! If you’d like, I’d even be your beta, if the stress of writing the story was what threw you off it. I know that it hasn’t been updated in 3 years now, and that this review probably won’t change your mind, but I’d tremendously appreciate it if you’d post at least one short (preferably long) chapter that tied up the conflicts with Marlene/Sirius, Mary/Remus, and of course, that whole James/Lily/Estella love triangle thing. Even if you don’t choose to continue this story, I’d like you to know how much I appreciated you writing this anyways. It was excellent; the plot was excellent. Have a wonderful day xxx
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