Reviews for A Thousand Bridges
jlluh chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
okay, this messed me up a tad
cosmoknot chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
This is brilliant. The idea of reversed roles has spun each characters' roles perfectly, like a puzzle. But I love how certain things remained the same - Rukia protecting Ichigo; Ichigo wanting to protect, Aizen, Renji's and Orihime's longings, the "uneventful" Karakura. And the way you put 'The Rotator' fits all things together. This is an amazing read. Thank you!
yocel chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
I will cry !
I love it
petrichorink chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
Very carefully thought-of. I love the nice twist about The Rotator, how Ichigo and Rukia meet, and all the same implications Bleach had brought upon, but this - it evoke different feelings at the same time. It's both nostalgic and a breath of fresh air, and I would like to re-read it some time again.
RukiYuki chapter 1 . 2/1/2017
I loved this , love it so much
Maria chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
I was almost afraid they were't going to meet...damn I love how essential their meeting was to the unification of so many characters
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
I found the story to be quite interesting though at a few times confusing.
Kitsune1818 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Oh dear, its so depressing that I totally love it. The end had me squealing in glee. You just had me picturing the whole thing with the roles reversed... How interesting.

Great job darling!
ani.panch chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
this story is so beautifully written and heart wrenching. It makes you think about how important ichiruki meeting really is. like, It didn't only changed their lives but a lot of people's too! tragic, especially Rukia's story.
Eto117 chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
This is so unbearably sad but the ending makes up for it. Sorry I don't have more to say. I loved it!
Higanbana.4 chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
This is such a cruel story. Heart-twisting! I really enjoyed it :)
Galaxia chapter 1 . 12/23/2013
Brilliantly done! I love how you deftly wove in all the touches which hearken back to the original story, but slightly changed - the exchange of names, the use/lack of binding kidou, how Rukia protects Ichigo even though their positions are reversed.

It was saddening to see how everyone's lives turn out in the absence of their fateful meeting. It really demonstrates the impact Rukia had on Ichigo's life, Ichigo had on Rukia's, and how this accidental encounter which began their destiny rippled outward to affect so many. Nice subtle mention of Aizen's machinations in the background as well!
schoolgurl95 chapter 1 . 7/19/2013
Very, very good. Very insightful, interesting and detailed. Sorry, I suck at reviews. XD
purplepam chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
Wow! I'm speechless! When I was reading it in the beginning,I thought that Ichigo and Rukia's lives were so empty without each other. I loved everything about his story! You write very well!
Broken Elsewhere chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
I loved how this was written, how each point-of-view adds in a little more, never giving away all details in one shot to keep the reader hooked. The characterization was beautiful, and also immensely sad in many ways, such as Renji's depression. But I also love the idea of the story, of how different things would have been if one small event had not occurred - Ishida would've been alone, without friends at his side, Orihime would have been killed by her brother's Hollow, Renji would never have reconciled with Rukia, etc. Without that one event, everything would have changed, but I like the idea that it would have always inevitably happened, no matter what. And the reincarnation of Rukia as a human was a nice touch. The ending was very well-done, bringing us back to the familiar beginning we all know, though the positions are reversed. I applaud you.

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