Reviews for A Drawing and A Risk
TheRhythmOfLove chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
That ending 3 And I loved the scenes with Max :)
FeyFaerie chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Nice, and as usual, I love your Max. :')
FozuzGaoa chapter 1 . 10/9/2011
Lovely :) !
norahenrie chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
aww-shucks chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Flippin' amazing:)
Burn Out Brighter chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
I really like your style and approach to the characters here. Your writing style and use of the second person POV always invokes a sort of surreal/dreamlike quality to me, but this story also managed to feel quite grounded and real at the same time. Well done.
titlemecrazy chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Very impressive! I don't think it's possible to describe to you how epic this story is...but I'll try. First, I love the style of writing. It was different from anything else I've read, and that pulled me into the story right off the bat. Second, can I just say that I love Alex Russo. She is the bomb, to make it simple. I also love the idea of drawing her perfect man. Very much Alex-like: I approve, not that it matters. Then the whole thing about the sketch pad staying under the bed and why she kept it there, awesome. The ending was quite entertaining, I might say. All in all, I love this one shot. And by the way, my description fails in telling you how amazing this story is and you're writing, for that matter. Job well done!
WyldCard4 chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
Time to review this baby!

Alex is such a magiificent bastard. Not much more to say about the early part of the fic, but it is so true.

Alright, this is an awesome lead in to Jalex. Just so perfect. Poor girl. Drawing her brother's face...

Also an interesting way of showing WHY she is attracted to her brother. Breaking down the pieces like that was an interesting idea.

Alright, Max is BADASS! Breaking into the room like that after a VERY emotional period is just cool.

(You're Alex fucking Russo and you can do whatever you want.

Too bad it took you a year to figure that out."

Well done.

Alright, I probably should have reviewed this when I wasn't half asleep.
Baku babe chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
That was effin AWESOME! In every sense of the word! I also loved how you made Max the responsible one when they family started to break apart.
tilante chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
Very nice - it feels very much like Alex, both the trying to pull away from it and the way she finally tells him.
shyesplease chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
This was reallyy good! haha! I loved it. I liked how you did the sketching thing because that would be something Alex would do. Good job! )