Reviews for Airbender's Child: Earth
Anonymous Person chapter 13 . 10/9
Truly, nothing disturbed me quite as much as that last line "Azula's always right". What the hell did they do to Zuko?
mayfriend chapter 13 . 8/7


I genuinely think this is my favourite AU of the final fight in Book 2; everything about it is so well crafted and placed and the Gaang (and Aiko! Who’d been learning! Who’d be doubting!) being so blindsided when Zuko had no idea who they were or why they expected him to be on their side... OUCH
BacktoBachus chapter 13 . 7/23
Im rather confused as to why you suddenly decided to follow the stations of canon this late in the story.
Fenris Jin chapter 6 . 4/9
Okay Toph, you can have Zuko's hand in marriage. Sorry Mai, I was really rooting for you, but Toph was just too badass to pass off now that marriage is already on the table.. XD

Speaking in AO3 tags, Zuko is an awkward turtleduck, Zuko needs a hug, and a personal one, Zuko needs a therapist. The Gaang may have some parental hang ups, but Zuko takes the cake, that even Azula has no right going insane when her brother has these kinds of issues that even Aang, good old airheaded Aang, is rolling his eyes at him. XD

Anyway, Zutara getting more serious is my cue to go. I was hoping the romance would settle at a later time, too bad. Loved the ride while it lasted. :)
Fenris Jin chapter 5 . 4/9
Toph! Oh this is all going great! Now Sokka has competition over who's Zuko's best friend! Wish there would be a lot of bromance between Toph and Zuko. XD

Love the way Prince Zuko shined. He really was pretty shiny wasn't he? Emphasis on the pretty.. no wait the shiny.. ehh, why not both? XD
Fenris Jin chapter 1 . 4/9
Pretty excited to read this book after that prologue.

Him meeting and acknowledging Azula as his sister is just a one step away from revealing his true heritage, how is it that they nobody has been able to slip up on his title? XD

I'm worried about Iroh, and I'm still particularly smarting over the fact that Zuko sort of threw him under the bus by revealing that the man was the Dragon of the West. Looking forward to that angst fest.
TortoisetheStoryteller chapter 13 . 12/23/2019
delirijumbaklave chapter 13 . 7/10/2019
omigosh. this is tru greatness. onwards to book three!
touslesnoms chapter 2 . 8/27/2018
And I thought that I've learnt a new word - sextuped :-)))
Great story!
almostNEET chapter 13 . 10/18/2017
awww FUCK! this is not an ending!
terrifying though, how creepy the brainwashing done by Dai Li is.
almostNEET chapter 12 . 10/18/2017
the Dai Li attacked. so the rescue mission would be to save Zuko and Iroh, huh? is Azula already inside?
almostNEET chapter 11 . 10/18/2017
these Zuko X Katara moments are sweet. not really sure how the story will progress though...
almostNEET chapter 10 . 10/18/2017
and we enter Ba Sing Se. man that place was creepy!
almostNEET chapter 8 . 10/18/2017
hah! looks like both Toph and Katara bonded with that, so i think we can skip that episode that was dedicated to theirs bending. and whoo Sokka can be sexist sometimes.

The Talk was hilarious, especially when the girls turned it around and made Iroh blush. XD
Plus Toph is seriously amusing.
almostNEET chapter 7 . 10/18/2017
the end felt a bit anti-climactic, if i'm honest. not bad and on the plus side it seems we'll finally get an Iroh Zuko conversation.
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