Reviews for Someday My Prince Will Come
camry72 chapter 4 . 7/9/2017
Such a sweet moment. I really like this fairy tale. I don't think I've ever wished on a star but it sounds like fun thing to do once in your life.
camry72 chapter 3 . 7/9/2017
Princes are idiots. I like how you related the stones colors and the flowers.
camry72 chapter 2 . 7/9/2017
I like this fairy tale already
camry72 chapter 1 . 7/9/2017
Alfred was so cute! You have a well written and promising story here.
jennyVDL93 chapter 8 . 12/10/2016
OH MY GOD this story is wonderful. Yes cheesy as Disney lalalaland, I mean cheesy as fuck. But I do enjoy this very much. I mean, it's not like everyday I find a story of wonderland which is not dramatized. This is very much close with the classic children fairytale. I mean, coward but determined prince, dragon, wizard, silly singing princesses, poisonous apple, eerie castles, horses, old fashioned tunic, mysterious forest, wishing upon stars, happy happy animals, true love kiss, I MEAN TRUE LOVE KISS. DAMN. Yes, it's nice and I laughed quite a lot, and most importantly feel nostalgic. Thank you for writing
sakura240 chapter 8 . 12/24/2014
Kura: ill be honest. I think I laughed harder than I should when I read that squirrels were cleaning the floor...oh, alfred, you little lazy but adorable git :3

Berry: I...really wanna see him whistle at the world confrence (cause the nations always fight and would no doubt make a mess) and everybody just stares, shocked as animals climb through the window and start cleaning :3

Kura: this story was super cute and I haven't read such a fluffly little story is a long while :3 thanks for the adorable read I'm so happy I read this! X3
sakura240 chapter 3 . 12/24/2014
"They were kidnapped by a bad person. This castle is scary and its in a scaty place. It probably belongs to a scary person," Arthur said, the princes still seemed confused. "The bad guy is here!"

Kura: I just died laughing! XD

Berry: oh my god. The princes are a bunch of idiotd. I mean, it makss semse since tmit is a children's fairytale book and there's crack...but oh my god.

Kura: X3
Plumcot chapter 4 . 10/4/2014
X3 Awwww! This was so cute! Not to mention, for some reason it makes me really happy to see Alfie using the same wishing rhyme I do. :3
Plumcot chapter 3 . 10/4/2014
Oh my god Arthur explaining the castle to the princes had me laughing so hard. XD
Plumcot chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
ALFREED! YOU NEVER EAT THE APPLE! Haven't you ever seen Snow White!? You'd think all that time hanging around Walt woulda rubbed off on you! XD

That aside, this already looks like an awesome story! Fantasy AUs for the Hetalia verse are fun, but it's so rare that you come across one where they're actually the canon characters! This is gonna be interesting...
deadxxacount chapter 8 . 2/16/2014
Awww, this entire thing was just too cute! And I ended up loving all the princesses and their princes despite themselves. Especially the princesses! XD The way they were with "Alfie" was SOOOOOOO cute!
And the USUK! ADORABLE! OMG! *fangirls exuberantly*
orangepumpkins chapter 8 . 11/30/2013
This was awesome! It had comedy, romance, and even a Disney-esque theme. Bravo :)
fluffykiwii chapter 7 . 10/11/2013
"fairies do all the real work" Damn right!
Corey5268 chapter 8 . 9/2/2013
USUK: made to finish a duet in every way.
Corey5268 chapter 5 . 9/2/2013
How do you knooooowww he loves you?
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