Reviews for Tough Love
FlooNiffler chapter 1 . 10/4/2014

Honestly, I can't say anything else. You handled this perfectly. This side of love has not been explored very often, and I LOVE what you did with it.
Fantastic job.
team effort chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
read this before, forgot what it was called, then found it again.
a pleasure to read. your prose in this piece really draws out the misery of jennifer's life and shows the other dark paths demigods can take, away from camp halfblood.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
You are seriously one of my favorite fanficton authors, or even maybe authors in general. You've got the BEST pjo fanficton, please keep being awesome!
oolong-sama chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
Oh my.
Really, claps to you, Marz, because...shit, I think I'm crying.
That was /deep/. Very dark, but equally beautiful. I loved it.
sangkar chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
Oooh, that was all dark and depressing and angsty - just the way I like it :D

I loved the descriptiveness of it, I mean, really, it was amazing. It flowed beautifully well, too, and it comes across as realistic. Awesome job!
newaddress1997 chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
I always skipped over this one because it was Rated M, and I don't do smut, but I've come to the realization that your M's are just incredibly dark, not smutty. If you ever do decide to write smut please say something in your A/N so I don't read it and get scarred for life -_- That was really well done. The idea of the Venus glamour was really intriguing.

Nice work.

meaner than my demons chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
This is amazing. Beautiful, but in a heartbreaking way.

I really like your descriptions, especially in the first paragraph. I also like the way you showed the dark side of being a daughter of Venus, instead of just the beauty and glamour.

Interesting idea, it's one I haven't seen before. Well-written, too.

~Only You Could Be That Clever
Musafreen chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
So, generally I'm /way/ more into humor than angst, but I figured it was about time I read this. XD

I love the little things. The fact that she's always beautiful to everyone else but sees herself as she is. The fact that many daughters of Venus do turn to prostitution and make it a power of its' own. The descriptions (misty rain), the hopelessness, the barely-mentioned backstory. And how apathetic Venus is about it all.

It's... haunting, Marz. :) And gorgeous.
Proud to be Plug chapter 1 . 2/13/2012
This really is excellent. Very tragic, impossibly gloomy, and very original.

This really shows a darker side of being a child of Venus that I've not seen explored elsewhere. The quality of prose is very high (I wish I could write this well!), and I thought the Mist-cowl idea was a nice touch. I always like to see story elements like that.

Your descriptions are brilliant. This is an incredibly imagistic story. I can really /see/ what's happening. Every line, everything is just /there/.

Also, your handling of the themes here is tasteful. You don't dwell too long on the hardcore stuff. I mean, the whole thing is pretty hardcore, but it's done in such a way where the reader isn't thinking about the sex part or the drugs part, they're just thinking about the character. This takes real skill.

Well done!

So True chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
Beautifully dark, a cliffhanger when I should be doing English homework.

Sensational, glad we finally have a daughter of Venus introducing us to the darker side of the world.

Love it.
MrBunnySensei chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
A very interesting view into the series from a darker point of view. Great job.
Simple Chaos chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I don't really know what to say. The story is... realistic? No, that's not the word. Enlightening? Not exactly what I was going for either. I can't say I've read many well written stories with such reality and emotion. It really puts things in amazing perspective, even if we'd rather not see it that way. I really like the style of writing you used here, more thought leading the story than dialogue or action. Yes, it is a little dark. But life isn't all picture-perfect, storybook endings all the time. And sometimes, people need a blunt reminder to come back to reality. Real life isn't Mary-Sue fluff or true love's kiss, not for everyone, and certainly not for most demigods. Maybe more people should try writing about that? It certainly would lead to some more interesting stories.

But then again, that's just what I'm saying today. I'm not all doom and gloom all the time. I'm either Hades level depressing or Aphrodite optimistic. But, I'm writing this to review your story, not to explain my undiagnosed psychological problems that probably don't exist outside of my head. Or whatever. Keep writing, and bye!
storm-brain chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
This story hwas been nominated for the Verita Award.

The nommer said: This is one of those stories that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end, and then it rips your heart out. I mean, come on-you can't go wrong with this as the last words:

'Her name was Jennifer.

She was many things: sister, aunt, stepchild, prostitute, heroin-addict, a daughter of Venus.

She was twenty-two.

And her life was over.'

This is guaranteed to leave you speechless.

Sensational writing from a sensational author.

For more information see fanmortals dot webs dot com.


B. D. Legan chapter 1 . 4/21/2011 Just... wow. It was so... I don't even know what to say.




You've certainly shed a new light on some things. I just... *shakes head in awe*

Keep up the good work, yeah?

Incendiarist chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
*claps slowly* I'm in awe.

This... is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
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