Reviews for Treats
uneducatedwriter chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
I actually loved this. It was strangely pleasing to read and see the boys interaction at a younger age, hope to see more from you in this fandom soon!
ThatcrazyJalphfan chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
I love this xD its so cute amd funny oml xD i love Ralph and Jack's arguments and Roger's costume... So creative Roge (': xD
ThestralSeeker17 chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
Clever plot idea. I thought it was interesting how Simon was actually older than the rest of them. It kind of gave the story a nice twist. I found it cute that the other boys were dressed up and all excited to go Trick or Treating. Plus, Ralph's and Jack's comments about their candies made me laugh. Overall, a well done piece.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
lol jack wants to do whatever he wants and Roger? "Death, I like fish." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Moofy-Fan chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
I just... why is this so cute? Lord of the Flies isn't supposed to be so cute. It's messing with my head in ways I shouldn't like but I do.

I recently got back into LotF and all of your stories are amazing. As you've admitted yourself, sometimes very, very out of character, but I can't help but like them anyway, which is weird because I usually hate it when characters are OOC, but for some reason you pull it off. Somehow. And you make me love pairings I would never even consider before.

But yes, as for this story in particular, so so so cute. I loved the part with Sam and Eric, and the ending was just great. Loved the whole thing.
Satan Abraham chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
Oh god, Roger. "I'm Death. I like fish."
Hammsters chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
This was awesome man! I like the idea of Simon as a babysitter and the whole thing with the candy insults
LiveLoveWrite-93 chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
Loved this so FREAKING CUTE!
sarrias chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
aww this is insanely cute! Although usually I prefer Jack to be the older one but reversing the role once in a while is really good too! Simon is an awsome babysitter, just like in the book.
TuesdayNovember chapter 1 . 11/3/2010

This was so cute and so funny! It was just... Ohhh, a big mush of happy.

But now you've started an intense debate: cowboys or Indians? I can't decide...

And the candy-insults were just brilliant, by the way.

And finally, why was this your last time trick-or-treating? You can never be too old! )
Smart Angel chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
Not the usual type of fanfic I read, but really cute! I was surprised when you said that Simon was the oldest... He is such a good babysitter! And all the characters were perferct! My favorite part was Ralph and Jack competing for Simon's attention! Great story! D
Ceri Moriarty chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
That last remark of yours…so creepy, especially in context with the book… "Of course Jack would kill Simon accidentally." EEP.

Seeing them as little kids is adorable~ I don't think I've ever read LOF fanfiction before this…it just doesn't seem quite right…

And of COURSE Simon would be the responsible one. He's always been the responsible one…

[recalls moment in book when SPOILER happened]
torikasa chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Oh, why do I find so much amusement in Ralph's "ass-mar" catchphrase? XD Haha, this is too cute! Jack and Ralph's constant fighting was adorable. Older!Simon is such an interesting concept. Brokeback Mountain. And it was so funny. I was laughing throughout the entire story! :)

~ MM
ZAFO chapter 1 . 10/31/2010

oooh, i quite like older!Simon~

but the part that made me burst out laughing was "But cowboys are so manly!" because it made me think of brokeback mountain, and then you mentioned it and it made me happy LOL

well-written as always, canadino!
PrussianAwesomeness chapter 1 . 10/31/2010




And omgosh, Roger being death. That killed me - LOL PUN. xD

Simon would definitely make a very good babysitter. Everyone seemed all in character - this was so cute :3