Reviews for We Know You
abbyweyr chapter 14 . 7/23
Recommended this on Twilight Fan Fiction Finders and decided to reread parts. This still brings tears to my eyes. Nice to see someone writing fan fiction aware of the increasing complexity of changing identities.
RunsWithWolves77 chapter 13 . 12/19/2019
I'm loving this but I don't understand why, if the elders know Bella is part Makah, isn't she accepted by the Quileutes...
RunsWithWolves77 chapter 23 . 12/19/2019
LJ, I'm back again and got lost in another of your tales. Totally enjoyed it, loved the Levi part and the unique Bella. I learned something from your ANs and my heart goes out to you.
Terra Elizabeth chapter 23 . 6/16/2019
I so loved this AU.
Cavelenare chapter 22 . 4/27/2019
Such an unusual story! I did really enjoy. Strangely I thought Levi/Bella was far more powerful than the pairing in part 2. Too brief. I wish it lasted longer. Thank you for sharing! I loved it!
celajwhitney chapter 3 . 3/7/2019
aro would do that to his "daughter"? he is seriously crazy!
Taylor Yacovazzi chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
i LOVE This Story! it's AMAZING! I Love The Bella/Levi Pair. i'm definatly picturing Levi looking like Chaske Spencer (Sam Uley). think about it, Sam Uley is played by Chaske Spencer in New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Breaking Dawn Part 2 and Levi Uley is Sam Uley's Great Grandfather so i figure they must look alike, so i'm picturing Levi Uley as Chaske Spencer. Chaske Spencer is SEXY AS HELL!
bkjar chapter 13 . 10/22/2018
Good chapter but so sad!
bkjar chapter 8 . 10/22/2018
Where’s Billy?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
This story is so unique and I love it, except for I am in no way an Edward/Bella fan, so I could have gone without her eventually having something with him. They make my stomach turn, honestly. Other than that, very well done.
Guest chapter 22 . 9/8/2018
Great fanfiction ! Original plot too, it was very interesting !
Lila Dunmare chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
Great fanfiction ! Quite an original plot, it was very interesting !
FranticRealm chapter 18 . 9/7/2018
It was great read but coming to this chapter I’ve found lost interest. Through nicely written. Edward’s attitude and personality is type to rub me wrong. So it takes away my enjoyment from reading your story. I loved reading Levi and Bella interactions and storyline. I also enjoyed the relationship she had with the tribe.
Severussnapeismybff chapter 23 . 6/28/2018
This was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. I loved every second of it except when Levi died thank you.
Bell 1 chapter 22 . 3/15/2018
Well, I am extremely disappointed with the ending, but, at the same time, glad Bella was relatively happy in the end. Relatively because she was forced into a life she didn't actually want because of Aro. She found her mate, which I still wish wasn't Edward, so she was happy at least.

I would have preferred if Aro were destroyed. His telling Bella she couldn't be with her first family was something I was not at all happy about, considering she had no intention of ever returning to Voltera anyway. However, at the same time, she did fulfill her purpose. And it seems the Quiluetes learned to be sure there is always a wolf there to help the younger men transition. Plus, her presence will no longer cause a threat of other "curious" vampires coming to investigate her scent, nor have any ill-effects to the Quielute children for phasing.

It was so sweet when Sam called her great grandmother though! :)

I suppose part of my disappointment (other than it not finishing as a non-canon story) is that Edward got his way in the end... of course.

The best part of this story was the Levi and Bella stuff though. It really was. My heart melted for those two... so much! Although, I was very disappointed in Joshua the first and his treatment of his father... plus passing it down to his son, who passed it down to Sam too. I get that Joshua was a young man, who likely gave his blessing to his father to find his love, but then realized later that he still needed a father to guide him, so he felt abandoned. However, his attitude still didn't sit well with me. :( Especially when he fed that bitterness to his offspring. Thankfully, Sam eventually came around.

I was so disappointed when Levi died though... my heart ached so much. I loved the relationship Bella maintained with the Quielutes and continued to protect the reservation.

It seems the longer they phase, the quicker their end after they stopped phasing, which... I suppose makes sense because, in Levi's case, he delayed his aging process for decades and put serious stress on his body with each phase during those years. Unlike the other men, who really only phased for a few short years, in comparison.

I loved the tie in of the Swans too, but it would have been nice if there had been a story passed down through the Swans about Bella's history... how she was lost... what she was before... or how her family took her "disappearance", or if they even knew, or understood what happened.

Oh! And Thomas! How horrible for his ending to come as it did. I felt so badly for Bella. Thomas, much like his father, was such a wonderful man... especially to Bella. It tore me up for Bella's sake.
She was reluctant to go that day anyway and then to discover what happened the one time she decided to "take a vacation", and only a few hours later before tragedy happened.

Billy could have been so much like his father and grandfather, but to have blamed Bella for Thomas' death turned him into an ugly version of those men. Sure, he was hurt, but he had to have know better (deep down anyway), surely.

As you can see, even thought I was extremely disappointed with the ending, I was thoroughly enjoying the Levi/Bella story line. But, I am a non-canon gal, so Edward "getting his way" in the end only added to my dislike of him. Again, I am glad Bella found her happiness, even if it was with Edward. :P Thank you for sharing. :)
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