Reviews for Sins of the Father
distanceincrowdedrooms chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
Wow... I loved this. I can totally picture this happening and ahh it makes my heart hurt. Poor Dean and poor John too. I want a reconciliation fic. One where John properly apologizes to Dean. Thanks for writing!
Sodamnbored chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
Wow that was the best John and Dean story I’ve read. You did a fantastic job!

I’d love to read more, either from other POV’s or a continuation on what happens from there. Or both. Both would be good :)

Anyway really excellent story!
Blossom9 chapter 1 . 2/6/2017
Love this story! I love how detailed you were with johns thought process!
empty to be deleted chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
yessss this was sooo good, i had tingles in my stomach the entire time
ThatLoser chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
Again, I realize I'm years too late, but it just thought I'd let you know, I woulda loved a continuation
bijou2009 chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
This reminds me why I hate the proverb; Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words can never hurt me.
Because bruises fade broken bones mend but the words, the words have the power to destroy you, to break the spirit, the words are like razorblades on the soul.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
Oh wow. This is a brilliant exploration of a really hard scene. I think you found a great balance of showing how and why this happened and how John handled it without justifying it or making him seem like a monster. Because he's not. He's just broken. And far far too angry for his own good. It's terrible that it comes out on Dean, like that though. Especially after what the demon said about him was absolutely true.
Yorushike chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
absolutely great. I think you manage to portay John quite well. It really is a bit ironic that John always claims that he wanted to protect the boys but stil put them in so much danger. I think its pretty much like an out of control car. First you think you have everything under control and then you suddenly lose it. This story describes that very well.
Greetings Yorushike
Jules chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
Very very powerful story! I hope you do continue this story,I love John,he is very complex and tough to get UPDATE!
WhereverUAre chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
I really liked it and I wish you would elaborate the ending :)
kasey123 chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
love it need more
TaraHalliwell chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
Wow. I'm just about speechless after reading this. John is an intense and complex character but I really think you got his character perfectly. Dean was in character perfectly as well. I was curious after that episode too and this was amazing.
kemwilson chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
I wouldn't mind seeing more added to this. It kept me enthralled and yes it did sound just like John. Sometimes during the series I just wanted to smack him for what he did to Dean! LOL
lil joker 1989 chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
This was good it made me really sad but I still liked it :)
Freya chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
*speaks up in a psuedo-lecturing voice* I'm afraid I need to correct you on a small point in your story- well, actually, the preface. If the story may have already been done, I've *never* seen it done better. The thing I like best is that you're still portraying John as being sympathetic in that he's not being made out to be evil or out of character. You don't excuse his behavior, nor minimize the impact on his sons, but the reader can still feel the horror of what he's doing and (even worse for the family, but somehow even better for the reader) how John doesn't feel able to stop. I agree that the emotional abuse was more damaging, and I also think that you've managed to capture how damaging the mental abuse is by externalizing it into something that John can actually understand is harmful. Thank you so, so much for writing this wonderful story, and I really hope that you'll explore it from the other two points of view, as well! (Actually, you may have already, since I'm only just now finding this amazing tale! *fingers crossed in hope*) Thank you!
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