Reviews for Sincerely, Freebie
Ibrahil chapter 4 . 3/10/2011
"I think I know why they sent you here: exhibitionist"

En serio, quise patearlo con esto, con toda la mierda q se q pasan despues D:

Uhhh el siempre intentando cuidarla y ella aun asi enfadandose, es una testaruda :/

Pero aun asi quien es capaz de sobrevivir tanto tiempo en un grupo de adictas, en especial cuando empieza a notar las cosas que le pasan a las otras X_X

Creepy la historia de Giselle, despues de ver una peli de posesion y leer algo asi..tiene que ser casualidad...verda? X_X

"Everyone seemed so ... different ... so different to me"

Hablando de cada quien con su propio infierno.

la verdad cuando he leido lo de helena en detox me ha dado la risa tonta, en serio en un centro asi y aun ellos intentandolo.

Me asusta la semi explicacion de como inyectarse la droga e.e

"I was like a newborn baby that was just beginning to see the world"

deberia ser como el dark dark world o algo asi e.e

PS: Marihuana no Juana, con j es en spanish xD
EvilSwanQueen chapter 11 . 2/9/2011
Love this story.. Great job writing it
ButterflyEyes24 chapter 10 . 1/30/2011
It was really sad to see the sort of relationship that Cole & Phoebe have now but at the same time I praise you for being able to take all the happy fluff and deliver a story like this because even though its not my typical read I was very intrigued and captivated by it. Great Job & I'll be looking forward to your alternate endings.
Pholefan chapter 9 . 1/21/2011
I liked this chapter, but I don't like the way things are going between Cole & Phoebe. Damn it Cole! I wish things would go as Phoebe described them in the end. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Ibrahil chapter 3 . 1/19/2011
*-* esa descripcion de Cole es hotty.

Dios aun me cuesta creer que la pobre Freebie alla terminado asi cuando empezo tan ¿inocente?.

"I said something disturbed" mmmm "I said a little disturbed"...

Esa lesbiana me aterra en serio hahahaha y eso que no tengo nada contra ellas, pero coño que tengan hasta un grupo. xDDDD

Y el hecho de que no le crean me perturba, pobre Freebie, leerlo en primera persona me hace dar escalofrios.

La reaccion de Cole como frio y distante es *o* deligthful, y mas a mi que me gustan los personajes asi. e.e

Al menos no es gay, dios habia olvidado lo mayor que era.

Hasta en ingles eres de las autoras que necesita mi fandom de glee. xDDD Pero dado que Charmed te inspira espero te inspire a terminar este fic. :) Por cierto las tres chicas, Helena, Rubi y Giselle son personajes de Charmed o son originales ?
Ibrahil chapter 2 . 1/19/2011
review en español xq me da lala. ok comencemos a destrozarte! muahahahahaha

He aqui yo, casi ya completamente adaptada a la historia de Charmed.

La personalidad de Freebie ha sido bastante sarcastica pero sobre todo herida en este capitulo y me encanta la forma en que describes en primera persona, esto me va a enseñar a hablar mejor en ingles asi. Joder como es que siempre aprendo algo de ti?

Lo que pienso de los recuerdos entre parrafo es que al menos deberias dejar unos espacios de separacion por que al principio lo leo todo junto y luego es q me doy cuenta de q esta en cursiva porque es un recuerdo.

La escritura es bastante fluida, asi que no le vi algo muy relevante que criticar solo pequeños errores

como este que no se si sera un error mio, solo se que se lee extraño. "I hated myself for not being "not" even a third" acaso ese "not" no esta de mas? es la unica frase que me sono rara del resto esta bastante bien el capi para todo lo q chillaste para que no lo leyera xD y tambien te faltaron algunas comas en varios parrafos. Ahi por ahi un "educationl" "because that's the what we did" Because that's what we did.

si ya se soy mala critica. u.u pero es que solo tienes errores pequeñs. ya te dije que me inspiras!
thetempest chapter 8 . 1/16/2011
Update soon! :)
irispixel chapter 6 . 1/15/2011
lalalalalala. quiero que veas tu bandeja llena de reviews y te pongas toda así linda y te derritas. So, let's give this more class ~

Here I Go. I ADMIRE YOU; you know that, because write things is a real mess, but translate! WOW! that is... so... WOW! :B

I love the way their relantionship is! and also that I'm VIP lector and I have the... privilege?
irispixel chapter 5 . 1/15/2011
Lalala. Aquí otra vez, perdón que no deje los reviews en inglés peeeeeeeeeero ~ tengo una flojera tremenda (novedad) hahahahahaahahahahahahaha pero ya hice mi tarea! (eso sí es novedad! jajaja)

te amoo ~
thetempesy chapter 8 . 1/10/2011
That was good
Pholefan chapter 7 . 1/9/2011
That was so sad, but I loved it. It's heartbreaking to see both Phoebe and Cole in that state. When Cole talked about his wife and daughter, you can totally understand why he behaves like that. It's a miracle he didn't kill himself!

Update soon. ;) 3
ButterflyEyes24 chapter 6 . 1/8/2011
:D Hahaha I love Pheobe's character she really reminds me of how she was in the early seasons lol & ohh i dont mind the age diff I'm more interested in his past :p

As for my fic that's up at the moment, I'm gonna upload tomorrow just been doing a bit of work I'll probs upload two chaps cos of the delay :P

Ooooh alternate endings, I like can't wait to see the options
Pholefan chapter 5 . 1/5/2011
Yay! New awesome chapter! I really liked it! Thank you for your kindness and you didn't bore me at all. This story is so different from the others and I really like that. I'm waiting impatiently what will happen between Phoebe and Cole! Update soon, like tomorrow! ;) lol
ButterflyEyes24 chapter 5 . 1/5/2011
I love how you've written Cole & Phoebe, its nice to know that he is still protective of her even in this state. Also can't wait to find out more about his past, I was slightly shocked when he mentioned he used to have a wife and kid, how old is he supposed to be in this ?. Anyway Another great chap, really interesting.
Pholefan chapter 4 . 1/1/2011
Definitely good different. I liked this chapter and I think it was great that you did a little research before you begin writing about drugs. I want to see what will happen with Cole.

I know I said I'd update but these days I've been a bit busy. Plus, I'm not sure how to finish the chap I wrote a while ago... I hope I won't disappoint!

PS Why don't you write all your stories in english, so I can read them? I feel like I'm missing out on some good stuff!
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