Reviews for Spontaneous Combustion
GlassMazeGazer chapter 11 . 3/27
Geeze — what a sucky spot to leave the story in a permanent cliffhanger. Right as creepy Bill is being shoved aside & things are starting to align as they should, there’s nothing more to read here.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 4 . 3/27
I’m loving this version of Eric. It’s very much in keeping with the way I saw him in SVM & TB.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 2 . 3/26
Am I the only one who feels like a hot shower & extreme exfoliating is needed every time a Bill character spews a variation on the ‘Sookie is MINE’ nonsense? GAG!

On the other hand, I always seem to find myself smiling & even chuckling when an Eric does a ‘bad boy’ thing. Naughty or nice, vampire versions of Eric (as opposed to defanged, neutered, lap vampire mooning over Sookie & begging for mushy stuff like having babies versions) really tickle my fancy.
EricFan71 chapter 11 . 3/16/2019
PLEASE continue the story! Very drawn into it and for it to abruptly end is disheartening.
Gapch chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
did you post the directors cut somewhere? I'd love to read it.
bashfyl chapter 11 . 7/25/2018
i really enjoyed this and wish there were so many more words. Thanks for sharing.
LdyJulanna chapter 11 . 3/7/2017
is the rest posted else where ?
Shantigal chapter 11 . 12/27/2016
Please continue. Happy holidays
cela chapter 10 . 8/9/2016
I can't believe bill would let his mask slip so far down his face that he would let hoyt get away. I keep coming back to this to look for a better link to another web site to see if there is more. here's hoping!
MiniLover chapter 11 . 11/22/2015
Loving this story! So sad to see it was abandoned :(
MiniLover chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
Love Eric! Can't wait to see what's to come...
tanseynz chapter 11 . 12/11/2014
Whew, this stuff is hot! I do love the analytical thoughts Eric was having about how gradually Sookie and her welfare was taking over his attention. It clarified the developing situation perfectly.
And, isn't Bill a tool? Losing the plot so completely, and through simple jealousy too.
cela chapter 10 . 12/5/2014
this was great! I read this a few years ago and loved it but I have been disappointed not to see any more. have you moved it to a new site? please let us know.
morningglory11 chapter 11 . 7/14/2014
I love this story so far and I cant wait to find out what happens next. Please write more! I know sometimes we get busy and can't write but I want to let you know that I really enjoyed reading what you already have written. Keep up the awesome work! :)
Jezidca chapter 1 . 4/12/2014
Where is the directors cut?
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