Reviews for Stolen Heart
wpAM4 chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3rSHst0riOB
Durotos chapter 20 . 8/21/2018
I saw how you noted that this is discontinued. Ah, I hope you're not giving up this close to the end! o.o

I was kind of hoping for Celia to have a little more fire in her, but her and Skye have both been put in an awkward situation by Claire, being forced to interact like that. I'm curious to see what happens next and how Skye will fit in with the rest of the people in the Valley.
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 17 . 1/4/2018
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 16 . 1/4/2018
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 14 . 1/4/2018
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 13 . 1/4/2018
! No!
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 12 . 1/4/2018
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 10 . 1/4/2018
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 9 . 1/4/2018
Oh my gosh I seriously hope that's jealousy. Jealousy is great in stories. Not real life though
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 8 . 1/4/2018
Oooh is there gonna be a new love interest? I sure do love a love triangle.
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 6 . 1/4/2018
Aww that was cute.
ChaoticCandiCandy chapter 2 . 1/4/2018
Aww he saved her.
Durotos chapter 19 . 3/20/2017
I really like the way you've written Celia this entire story. She comes off as a caring, concerned friend. I love the dynamic you have created between her and Claire, and I'm relieved to see she was hesitant to accept Skye without any qualms. It seems it will take some time and trust before Skye is able to become part of the Valley, and that's the way it should be, in my opinion. Good job! :)
Durotos chapter 18 . 3/6/2017
I appreciate the fact that the apologies didn't go perfectly. I especially liked the scene with Flora and Carter. I think Claire now realizes that even though Skye didn't steal anything from him, that bond of trust has been broken, and it will take time for something like that to heal. They can apologize all they want for their behavior, but people have to be willing to accept them again before Skye can be a permanent part of the town.

I especially liked the way you portrayed Carter in this chapter, along with Rock. Claire assumed Rock wasn't going to get upset because he is her friend, but I'm glad that you made him speak out and imply that Skye's smooth-talking wouldn't be the answer to all of his problems. After all, he's going to have to get along with the male population of the Valley as well.

I also appreciated how the events of the day stuck with Claire. It didn't feel like an event that anyone would easily forget. I am glad that you didn't breeze over the apologies and you made the reactions to the characters more realistic.
Durotos chapter 17 . 3/2/2017
"Above all, I'd remember that I was always alone when the sun went down."

Such a heartbreaking sentence; it really says it all for Claire's emotions in this scene, doesn't it? The whole part with her detatching from her emotions and telling herself that she was in love with the idea of him all felt very human and real. Great choice of words in this section.

Skye is actually pretty cute when he's flustered! It's interesting to see characters exposed to their weaknesses. They really make a cute pair in this story. I can't wait to see what will happen next! I'm curious to see how Skye will gain favor with the townsfolk and how Claire will reveal that she had been friends with Skye all along. I look forward to the next chapter!
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