Reviews for Bittersweet: A phantom of the opera story
Pip and CO chapter 41 . 8/21
This is so good ! I loved it so much ! Their relationship is not perfect but it's real, I love how stubborn Celia is and that she isn't perfect. Christind isn't perfect either and I really enjoyed how you pointed out her flaws. As I said, all your characters have a real back story and they all fit perfectly in the world you created. I really enjoyed your story a lot, will definitely read it again !
Pip and CO chapter 24 . 8/21
I'm only halfway through this story but I wanted to comment something real quick. I absolutely love it ! It's so good and your characters are perfect. They have a real background and none of them are perfect. I love the explanation behind Celia's motives to understand Erik, it's such a realistic way. I also loved to read her opinion about Christine. I agree with the fact that she is too naïve, and Celia proves it by asking the right questions and saying the right things. I'm off to read the second half of this story !
Luca chapter 29 . 12/5/2017
Erik I think, is tagged by tal, 6'2 o4
ClaryF chapter 41 . 12/31/2015
Happy New Year. Hope to read more soon.
Guest chapter 41 . 12/31/2015
dear GigiMusic,
I thank you including me in thankfulness, I had enjoy this fanfiction and there are others, I have enjoy them as well. Like Silence Is The Best Music by Andimpink, Beneath Lies Beauty by Jacqueline Collen-Tarrolly (a novel that is good and I love it!), and finally,Madrigal: A novel of Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera by Jennifer Linforth. (Another novel that I enjoy, and the conversion between Erik and new heroine,Anna are cutie in the 2nd book.) But, I must give a confession, I use a nickname of my real name in Lizzie Harker, so I must come up with a new so I can be safe on website and it is my finale username Constance Vonstien. Constance is from The Three Musketeers and Vonstien is from The Madman's Daughter series.
In which, I love it!
Sincerly forever,
Constance Vonstien
PumpkinKitten chapter 41 . 12/31/2015
Awww. Tissues all over the place. That's so sweet!
rose123579 chapter 40 . 12/20/2015
Love this story. Love Celia. I like your portrayal of Erik as well. I hope you post the epilogue soon. I cannot wait to read it.
Reverie chapter 40 . 11/23/2015
It's so good to read about Celia and Erik finally being together :) I loved their unexpected-but-long-awaited kiss in the previous chapter. I also like how Celia dealt with the alcoholic problem of this gentleman - it was maybe too idealistic, but very Celia-like. However, I don't think Raoul would have used the word 'fuck' in the presence of a woman - and especially not while actually speaking to her! He was an aristocrat, after all, and I have an impression he was rather well-behaved gentleman.
xXTheLonelyGallifreyan'sGalXx chapter 40 . 11/17/2015
I have loved this story! I have stayed awake all night and read it! I do wish that there would be a sequel... I'm not ready for it to end. T_T
ClaryF chapter 40 . 11/9/2015
Hope to read more soon.
AngelofDance chapter 39 . 10/10/2015
I absolutely loved it. I couldnt stop reading it. I love thr phantom. I think it is one of the best love stories in the world. but i need the ending. Please please write the ending soon.
Guest chapter 39 . 9/19/2015
dear GigiMusic,
Thank you for a in look at your trip into the city of light, as Paris is called and I can't wait for chapter 40!
Madame Lizzie Harker
Guest chapter 39 . 9/14/2015
love it! can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon
ClaryF chapter 39 . 9/10/2015
So sweet. Hope to read more soon.
ClaryF chapter 38 . 7/17/2015
He's safe, good. Hope to read more soon.
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