Reviews for Double Vision
Jdkwinxgrl chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
1. Roxas confirmed Sokai shipper lol my poor baby having to sit through all that.
2. Roxas lives for one year, dying on his birthday.
flightlessraven chapter 5 . 7/30/2011
this was absolutely beautiful. oh my god. c:
truthlieslovestars chapter 5 . 4/23/2011
Hurray! :)
truthlieslovestars chapter 4 . 4/6/2011
good job. can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Cori Shadowfang chapter 5 . 4/3/2011
A somewhat bittersweet ending, but considering their fate, it's not surprising. It was a sweet story with a good ending.
vildtiger chapter 5 . 4/3/2011
cute story but somhow I feel bad for Roxas
Flightfoot chapter 5 . 4/2/2011
That was a very sweet ending. Poor Roxas and Namine, though. They always get the short end of the stick.
The Unplanner chapter 5 . 4/2/2011
Is this the end? If it is, it's left me satisfied, at the minimum. At the maximum, I'm cheering for Roxas for finally getting his chance. Excellent work!
Draco Oblivion chapter 5 . 4/2/2011
Aww this was really emotional. It's sad that they have to go through what they do but atleast it's what they would choose. I'm glad you wrote this because it's a really great story; it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. :')
SonChan chapter 5 . 4/2/2011
Aw this was a very sweet ending. I'm glad that both of them found their own happiness and meaning...very touching. You write Namixas almost as good as you write Sokai! Not always an easy thing to do ;)

I'm sad another great story has ended, but as long as PoH:AKS still is kicking I am one happy camper!

Great job!

KHShay chapter 4 . 3/28/2011
Your stories are great! Am glad I decided to read this! I can't find any story that are good. The latest chapter has a pretty funny last line, Wait a minute—Sora?, I lolled at that. Waiting for you to update. X3~
AKAAkira chapter 4 . 2/28/2011
Cripes...did you really HAVE to end at a cliffhanger? T-T

I thought this was flawlessly created. And I can say that because I'm certainly not at a level relative to you where I can spot any errors. So yeah, excellent structure, great vocabulary, and quite a fountain of romance and humour in here too. (Haha...Selphie and Tidus...not always the best friends one could wish for.)

Right...well...please update quickly!
Draco Oblivion chapter 4 . 2/27/2011
Lol Sora's more aware NOW TELL HIM WHO YOU ARE!

Lol Riku's a bully but he's still cool :)

It was kind of nice that Sora refused to lie but also kind of sad as Kairi and probably by extension Nameine were hurt :(

YES he knows :)

Talking to Roxas like that would it make his life a bit better in my opinion because at least someone knows he's there and he's not just there not affecting anything :)

WHAT? What's going on... ?
Draco Oblivion chapter 3 . 2/27/2011
That's why Nobodies rule they have all of the benefits of being human but without the disadvantage of emotions

It's kind of harsh to hate Namine but I can understand the anger

That's mature of Xion. I like the way you made it a doomed roamnce, kind of sad but yeah it works :)

That was a nice ending to the chapter :) It seems less hopless for Roxas now but Xion still just exists :'(
Draco Oblivion chapter 2 . 2/27/2011
XION :D YOU RULE! Yay I want Xion to be remebered but If Roxas started dating Xion and Namine while in the body of Sora and they had the body of Kairi... O.o things would get REALLY confusing

I still feel sorry for Riku but maybe he and Selphie cold eventually get together :)

Aaw that made it seem like Riku was the bad guy but it was a joke... that wasnice ofhim to 'forfeit'

I think Roxas should admit to being there, maybe then Sora might treat him better... or think he's gone crazy or ignore him...

Aaw I keep forgetting about Hayner, Pence and Olette it's sad that they don't remember Roxas though

I wrote a poem about what I figured would go on in Roxas's head, It's called I am Nobody. It's on my profile if anyone wants to read it :)
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