Reviews for Till' November
StellarMage99 chapter 3 . 12/10/2015
XD Xion is so OOC XD I find it cute and funny
UltimateBlackAce chapter 39 . 1/8/2013
I couldn't review while logged in because this is a replaced chapter, very annoying.
So... Megadoom Fortress of Darkness No. 4 has a rec room. Why not?
Fair? As in Zack Fair? Isn't he supposed to be good? And (since he seemed to be in his teens in BBS) in his twenties? Well, he didn't seem that bad until the elimination mission. AND WHERE IS HIS SUPERSIZE SWORD!?
Still, glad that Roxas' wound was expanded upon.
Aw, why'd you get rid of Xion's Dark Angel abilities? They were interesting and too big of a plot point to just discard like that (wait a sec, are they gone for good?). And replacing them with Lycan is just too... standard and makes it too black and white. All the Lycans have to be good, all the Dark Angels have to be bad, stuff like that. There were grey areas even for some antagonists, not all Nobodies could really be called evil and even Vanitas had a tragic story (look it up on the Wiki if you don't know). Plus I thought that being a Lycan and Dark Angel was genetic.
Time for the final showdown (in this story).
Quaranite chapter 39 . 12/10/2012
I might be one hell of an impatient kid, but with such a story like this I could wait at least a year, and that's coming from someone who usually just loses hope on stories after like a month or two. Seriously, I really enjoy this story, so I'm going to say this just to help you, and this might be a bit late, but I wish you good luck on your finals.
Ultimate Black Ace chapter 39 . 11/23/2012
Ah, didn't know you were in college, or if I did I forgot. Good luck with your finals and future courses!
Ultimate Black Ace chapter 38 . 6/8/2012
Another nice chapter. Zexion actually seems to be sincere. I never really did see him as evil. Seems like the wound is acting up and Roxas has no idea what to do about it. I'm surprised that Roxas hasn't tried to use a pacena or Esuna. Then again, he never did learn that spell, and a pacena would probably be too weak. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Ultimate Black Ace chapter 37 . 5/7/2012
Before my actual review, I just wanted to apologize about babbling in my last PM, I have a nasty habit of, well, babbling.

So Xion has willingly joined the dark angels, huh. It's hard to read just what she's thinking is she just planning to betray them, or is she being influenced by the darkness around her or influenced by Vanitas's. It also seems that she seems to be able to absorb the memories of others more conciously than in the game. Whether that an ability as a dark angel or something to do with her origin as a replica has yet to be seen.

Roxas, can be an idiot. Seriously he gets an injury from one of his enemies who represents his very opposite which refuses to heal and is infected, but doesn't even feel suspicious. Again, idiot.

So Zexion might be a hero, huh. Well, he might not, it depends on his reasons for leaving. But I have to say, for such an efficient, ruthless group Organisation XIII really has horrible security. They can't find Roxas, have no idea that they've sheltered two, and a possible three, lycans (even after two werewolf rampages), have had two desertions, have no idea just what its members do. And more! That or it's all part of a major masterplan by Xemnas.
Wolfie231 chapter 36 . 5/3/2012
Not bad so far I cant wait for you to update
Ultimate Black Ace chapter 36 . 4/30/2012
Good chapter. It was a good and necessary way to take a break between all of the action. Although Roxas would probably be more antsy and eager to do something, probably something reckless, to save Xion
GoldenGriffiness chapter 35 . 2/25/2012
I read this in 2 days, and I can't wait for the next chap! Please update soon!
GoldenGriffiness chapter 9 . 2/25/2012
Hmm... Maybe it as the final fantasy movie? It seams sorta related... Or some anime with a blond like... um... I got nothing there XD

I'll review with my opinions and all once I get to the last posted chap :)
deepcauldron chapter 35 . 2/23/2012
Wow I enjoyed this whole story so far I hope you keep up the good work.

Actually I can picture vanitas as a crazy phycopath...XD
StarLion chapter 35 . 2/3/2012
I did not see that coming. Especially not Ventus's reaction, or the sudden little reveal of what happened to Terra or Aqua.

And also the suggestion Xion has something more to hide as well.

Damn, that's one good come-back after a long wait!
TheSapphireRose chapter 35 . 2/3/2012
Yes! Finally a new chapter! Great intro for Vanitas. This is so suspenseful, I can't wait for an update. Keep up the good work!
Ultimate Black Ace chapter 35 . 2/3/2012
Nice "big villain intro," it was done in a classic style. For all of their training and preparation the heroes are defeated almost effortlessly by a mere minion, a high ranking minion, but a minion none the less. However they still manage to get in a good surprising hit. Again, classic but a classic that deserves to be known as such. The fight was really good.

On another note I just had dinner at a restaurant where I live and when I checked Fanfiction, a story I am following updated (this one specifically). The same thing happenned last time I ate there. Maybe I should eat there more often.
TheSapphireRose chapter 34 . 12/12/2011
Great chapter! It's been a while but I'm glad ur still continuing this story. Can't wait for an update!
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