Reviews for Unspeakable Things
himalay.senapati chapter 60 . 7/11
Reread this in the lockdown, brilliant ending ! :)
himalay.senapati chapter 31 . 7/11
Cool writing
himalay.senapati chapter 19 . 7/11
This was brilliant. Reading it after a long time again, in the lock down. :)
ExS-DrIfTeRr chapter 43 . 7/9
Why is Harry such a moron? Oh I just met this person let’s give them a hint about who I am while in disguise because that won’t go wrong

Sure we know she wouldn’t say anything but he doesn’t it cane across very forced
DeadFish37 chapter 60 . 5/31
Bizarre ending. You navigated most of everything very well. I was a bit disturbed by Luna's sex drive at times.
DeadFish37 chapter 11 . 5/31
I love the entire concept of this. It is so good!
Taiki no Hitsuzen Kage chapter 60 . 5/28
Honestly, this chapter changed my view on this stories Luna. The epilogue establishes that she's a sociopathic, shallow person who can easily abandon her anchors. Seriously what in the goddamn hell is that epilogue. It feels like you wrote half of it, and some random who's into fucking random dudes for dick. I just don't like this story now that you added that fucking twist.
Taiki no Hitsuzen Kage chapter 60 . 5/28
The story was great, then you did that with Scamander and Luna. It really surprised me, if Harry and Ginny are Luna's anchors, why would she abandon them for a smuggler with a big dick. I don't really know, but that ruined the experience for me. It just broke my immersion there. Your other stories are great, but this one was fine until the epilogue, which was ridiculous in its mockery of the established facts up to then. At first Luna would kill herself for them, now she's leaving because she wants dick. Honestly I wish I could erase the epilogue from my brain. Great story, but the epilogue pisses me off.
mumphie chapter 54 . 5/7
I thought Dobby never noticed the sock.
mumphie chapter 30 . 5/7
i wish you hadn't killed off Sirius. Sigh.
Mernom chapter 60 . 5/3
If I had to summerize this story in one word, it'd be... Brilliant.
Mernom chapter 51 . 5/2
I was wondering where Fleur ended up in.
Mernom chapter 49 . 5/2
I wonder if Hedwig and Fawkes will get along. There must be an interactions scene between them.
Mernom chapter 45 . 5/2
The cleansing is an interesting idea. But I feel like it should've come up sooner, during the training arc. If just a mention.
Mernom chapter 28 . 5/1
The spy movie subplot is very interesting.
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