Reviews for Finally Something to Talk About
Moniurek chapter 1 . 10/22/2017
Good story
ILoveVampireDiaries chapter 1 . 6/6/2014
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww xD
EndlessLabyrinth chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
This is so cute! seriously, i love what you did with both hiccup ans Stoick. Both felt very in character in a slightly awkward manner, but still both having that underlying feeling of devotion. A wonderful fic! you are a talented writer :) thank you for sharing!
Pinnatus chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
Such a great father/son fic. The aftermath of everything still leaves Stoick and Hiccup in need of fixing their relationship and this story is a realistic way of showing how that process could be started.

I like how you use a line from the movie as inspiration. The concept really came through and the characters felt in character. The things they thought, did and said felt totally genuine and I love their interactions.

Great writing as always. You know how to write simply and still be descriptive. You really draw out the emotion of the characters and make these a joy to read. Keep up the great work!
LyricalMedley chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
! This story is iso heart warming/i! Soooo igood/i!
Punzie the Platypus chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
Ah, finally something to talk about that doesn't revolve around breast hats! He he he.

Very sweet, and i loved how Toothless was there the whole time. Very nice!
Groudon202 chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Real good. Somehow the dialogue felt strangely natural, and it didn't drag either. All in all, friendly trauma about post-canon relationships.
The-Cat-of-the-Baskervilles chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
That was so sad and sweet at the same time.

Thank you!
Annabeth The Unicorn chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
This is a sweat and captivating read. I enjoyed it thoroughly. One thing, though, It was rather confusing, gong back and forth between Hiccup & Stoick.
zoe alice chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
That was so sweet. Still working out their problems, but - they're trying.
animephoenix2468 chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
This story was very cute. You captured the balancing act known as the relationship between Hiccup and Stoic exceedingly well. There's a lot of pain there, as reflected in your story, but they can move past it with time.
Rylie chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
Holy crud! I flippen LOVE your stories! You're my favorite author for HTTYD fanfiction! The characters are in check, details are perfect, I don't have to worry about slash or any other crap, etc etc. Your incredible.

Your biggest fan,

Fjord Mustang chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
Nice story and with some good substance and spot of character portrayal.

Is this supposed to be a continuation of Stubborness issues? That story touched me with the worn out Hiccup so tired he had to lean against his father, trying to stand, falling down and then having to realize he needed his father and Toothless to help carry him sometimes, even if he did not like it.

This story seems to pick up from there and it was a nice follow up.

Thanks for writing it.
Redbud-Tree chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
Finally, someone's written a fic that covers one of the biggest issues I felt was still unresolved - Stoick's disowning of Hiccup. I was hoping someone else would realize that an "I'm sorry" and "I'm proud to call you my son" wouldn't take away the hurt of the initial words! Plus, you handles the concept beautifully; it's a well-done story that really does feel like an add-on scene from the movie. :) congratulations on a job well done!
blank00001 chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
oh wow i loved this! it captures both Stoick and Hiccup's personalities perfectly! can you do more on this story? i think it would turn out great!