Reviews for Withering Love
Guest chapter 4 . 7/15/2017
Bad writing and a horrible plot line.
EvreHavva chapter 4 . 3/1/2016
amo tu historia
Guest chapter 17 . 5/15/2014
I don't get why she chose dimitri...he fucking killed her who sees the person they love hurt and runs away? who lets their killer go free? dimitri is a piece of shit...
this should have been a Adrian and rose story all the way
I cant believe you would do this! how dare you ! lOL
im gonna go find a story to read that makes since
dsf chapter 12 . 5/15/2014
why in the fuck would anyone want rose to be with dimitri in this story?
yall read what he did right? hes a piece of shit and shoud be in jail !
why is he not in jail!
death to dimtiri !
mkl chapter 9 . 5/15/2014
ya rose don't be with a guy that would do anything to protect you, a guy that really loves you be with the guy that let someone kill you (hes a fucking guardian he could have stopped her) be with the guy that left you while you were dying the man that didn't help you the man that never told on your killer yaaaa be with that man
rose is a stupid fucking cunt in this story maybe she should have stayed dead
fs chapter 8 . 5/15/2014
this is disgusting
rose is kissing the enemy
kissing a piece of shit
dimitri deserves nothing
oh but I love him now that I have him my soul is complete

fuck that, and fuck this story
fdsjk chapter 7 . 5/15/2014
maybe it was too soon to laugh...really?
god this story is stupid
nmn chapter 6 . 5/15/2014
he kissed her? she let him? what the fuck for? you don't kiss the prick that lets his jealous friend kill you then leaves you to die and never avenges your murder...never turns in the murderer...
this is the dumbest fucking story in the history of stories...I want dimitri and tashas ass's on platters NOW
gdf chapter 4 . 5/15/2014
anyone else think this is stupid as fuck? dimitri shouldn't be talking to rose he should be sitting in a fucking cell right now. and he never turned Tasha in that man is a true piece of shit and should sit in jail for the rest of his life
klk chapter 1 . 5/15/2014
she said she had to get to the the wards are around the school jackass shes in the gym hence shes within the wards already...duh

dimitri let Tasha stab rose! then didn't stay to help her he can go fuck himself...I hope you don't have rose forgive him cause theres no excuse for him...he could have helped her after the fact but he left with Tasha whatever the reason he can not be forgiven under any circumstances!
Guest chapter 17 . 3/10/2014
This story was everything I look for in a fic and so much more. Don't listen to the haters cause this story was the shit;! :)

dfs chapter 12 . 2/10/2014
what the fuck is there to think about rose? dimitri let your killer go free! he never even told anyone who killed you! theres only one choice and its adrian
gfh chapter 8 . 2/9/2014
what the fuck just happened? he let rose die... he let a morio kill rose! then he didn't try to save her...then THEN he let her killer wonder around free! Adrian never NEVER would have done that shit...all the people that died today they were all killed by dimitri...its his fault Tasha was roaming around!1 how dare he say he loves rose... as soon as she was up she should have killed him
roza chapter 17 . 12/28/2012
ok, so I have always been reading this storry. but, I don't review much. great job though. and even greater ending! I just love dimitri! I love adrian too, but I just don't think that rose is the girl for him.
awww cute ending
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