Reviews for Memories
wonshik-ah chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
Absolutely ADORED this fic. IF you can, write more Drarry fics ;3
ScorpioDani chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
Aww, adorable! Too cute. It was a long time without reading fics like this, I really like it :D
Moontoy chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
Awww that was soo cute! I loved the story... I think I'm gonna add this to my faves :) lol thank you

TheKinkyCumberbabe chapter 1 . 11/23/2010
Aw! That was adorable! I couldn't even read with a straight face because it kept turning into a giggle or a "KAWAIII X33" The sex scene was averagely written~ *favs*

INeverLoseTheGame chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
Wooooh i final get to read it, i love it and the start made me so sad but it had a happy ending (i like the ending short and sweet hehe)

i would have reviewed earlier but my stupid computer wouldn't let me, let alone let me get on to the site to read it in the first place

grrr stupid old thing

moving on loved it so sweet and cute

keep up the good work and good luck with future stories (;

Jaa ne
The Hare and the Otter chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
Neo444 chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
I like this. Very sweet. :)