Reviews for Tumult
AmberElric108 chapter 9 . 6/14/2015
Soo many questions are left un-answered too me like abut Jose and Kate. But captivated & this were probably the best alejandro x heather fanfictions I've read. It was just soo interesting & made me so emotional which I absolutely loved! Please at least make one more bc you're great at it :)
Thecookiedude chapter 9 . 1/19/2015
I liked this aleheather fic I think u should make another sequel for this story.
PolkadotPandaGurl chapter 9 . 9/6/2014
such a happy ending also some chapters were so happy or sad i was crying i read captivated but this is so much better :)
sydney chapter 9 . 7/18/2014
Perfect endingg to an awesome story 3 c:
D0ll chapter 9 . 2/22/2011
OK, I've liked your story for awhile now I shou;d have reviewed earlir, but I get lazy.

Anyway, I've read everything prtty much all fanfiction dedicated to AxH, and this has to be one of the best I've read.

Everything fits together so well the characters, the plots, and it seems very releastic everything the characters do their motives. Evenn though he story can get carried away which I like since its never boring then. Also I love the way you describe everything very well.

This last chapter is a fav of mine their discussing marraige and his obsession with Star Wars (ironic much? lol) and how you brought up her glittler pen collection I loved.

And I like how you described the good and bad in their relationship, but through that, they are meant to be is lovely and great.

I like how Jose kind of redeemed himself this time around cann;t wait to see whsat happens now with the other characters like Ryan, single Duncan, and Coderra! Update please!
SpaghettiEater chapter 9 . 1/30/2011
here's silence for a minute and then I decide to say something I hope I don't regret admitting later. Right now, I feel so comfortable that I'd confess to my secret lifelong obsession with Star Wars; my favorite character has always been Darth Vader. Though, I have to give my logical side some kind of concession and that's to be careful with what secrets I reveal right now. Heather's not quite ready for the Star Wars secret.

OMG! God! Alejandro should be my guy! lol, but he's Heather's *tear*. Awesome chapter, so cute and romantic!
SpaghettiEater chapter 8 . 1/30/2011

There's need to be more people reading this!
SpaghettiEater chapter 7 . 1/30/2011
Awesome chapter as usual, wished I caught this earlier. Favorite line, lol;

"At least he has a more pleasant smell! You smell like twenty cats just pissed on you!" :D
PurpleFunkytown chapter 9 . 1/28/2011
Awww! They got back together! And it was so cute! They're wondeful together and you have such a superb way of describing their relationship. You deserve a shrine, honestly!

I was a bit shocked after reading that Duncan saved Jose. But I was rather happy that Jose escaped. After all, he did show a human side.

And after this chapter, I realised something: I don't like Kate anymore. That is why, I'm glad Alejandro finally returned to his true love: Heather.

I'm very curious what will happen next.

Lots of hugs!

P.S: I'm very proud of myself for managing to read 9 chapters today. Plus the reviews. It was totally worth it!:)
PurpleFunkytown chapter 8 . 1/28/2011
Darn, this chapter was depressing. I hate it when Alejandro and Heather break up, then start behaving like nothing is wrong just because of their pride. And I agree with Heather, how did Kate manage to go from nerd to popular?

Oh, I sure hope they get back together soon...
PurpleFunkytown chapter 7 . 1/28/2011
Karma finally bit Jose, I guess. Too bad for him, Elaine was 'the inside man'. From what Carols described, Jose was really worried about the whole gang problem. Maybe he isn't such an asshole after all.

As usual, you succeed in describing a lovely brotherly bond between Alejandro and Carlos. It makes me smile every time. And the lullaby is wonderful! Did you compose it?

Oh, no! Heather is still in love with Ryan? Geez.

Anyway, you did/are doing/will do a great job with this story.

I'm sending all my admiration to you! :D
PurpleFunkytown chapter 6 . 1/28/2011
Action. Drama. Romance. I love your story!

First of all, the scene with the redhead was really well-inserted. It brought a great touch of action. Then, there was some 'Kate vs the family concept' drama, the date mix-up and the sudden change of personality for Kate. I really liked the combination.

You are such a great writer!
PurpleFunkytown chapter 4 . 1/28/2011
OMG. That's all I have to say for the last part of this chapter. I would have never guessed that you had planned such connections between the characters. Now I really have to keep reading, because curiosity is killing me.
PurpleFunkytown chapter 3 . 1/28/2011
Kate and Alejandro? Hmm, I don't blame her, sometimes a dance is all it takes to bring two people closer. I see you still haven't given up on your love for the tango. *gives thumbs up*

I'm starting to think that Duncan might become interested in Heather. Or the other way around. However it may be, I'm anxious to it, don't know why.

Also, the ending line was hillarious! Good job! I'm definitely adding this story to my favourites!

Lots of love! :)
PurpleFunkytown chapter 2 . 1/28/2011
Wow, this chapter was full of events/flashbacks and I loved it!

I feel sorry for Duncan and Kate, since they both suffered break-ups. Arnold is such an idiot. Hasn't he learned anything from his past experiences?

Thoughts about Ryan? Well, he seems to be a hot, charismatic asshole. Yeah, the Valentine's Day gesture was cute, but what he did afterwards was horrible. But I give the guy credit for guessing how Heather's Mr. Perfect would be like.

I smell a lot of drama coming up...

Congratulations for the great chapter! :D
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