Reviews for Poison
Serena Milton chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
I know it's been a while since you've updated this But I really hope you continue You have an amazing storyline and I love how you captured Harleys and Ivys personalities Those two are my favorite pairing! :)
Mertiya chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
Wow. This is fantastic. Really, really fantastic. It's beautifully written and really captures the dynamic between Harley and Ivy. Poor Ivy! I have to say that I'd love to see more of it, though it works just fine on its own as well.
Clemenmore chapter 1 . 5/5/2011
oh man. this was great. I definitely encourage you to write more.
finaldragon13 chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
tis is a great start i can't wait to see what happens!
whoopsimanonnow chapter 1 . 11/21/2010

Ok, I just reread it again, and it still made me almost-cry as before. It's just so SAAAAD. Why can't they just leave Gotham forever and live a happy life? I suppose it's just the endless cycle of Harley-runs-to-Joker-despite-Ivy's-wishes that prevents that, but all the same I wish that one day it could happen. And of course, you know my personal biases concerning Joker and a certain masked vigilante, and why that also plays a part in wanting Harley out of their lives...xD But all that aside, I hate the cycle of violence and abuse and dashed hopes and unrequited love that always seems to linger around this love-rectangle, specifically with these two. Of course the readers want these two to find comfort with each other and have their happily ever after: that's what audiences quest after in all stories. And you torture the reader with that hope dangling just out of the characters' reach quite masterfully. It makes me hate you for torturing the characters, but also love you for doing it so well and engaging the reader so strongly. So bravo! :D

Oh, I also noticed, on the constructive end of things, that the word "emancipated" is still there, instead of "emanciated," which is what I think you meant to say. A few spotty sentence structures I thought could have been tweaked as well, but that's mostly just personal preference, it's not something in dire need of edit.

Oh, and just one last thing I just HAD to add:

"Her face is closer to mine now, her dirty face shining up at me."

AN ABSOLUTE PHRASE! You'll ace that vocab quiz on Tuesday, my dear! xDDD

To end this review, I guess what I'm mostly looking forward to now is the next installment! Will Ivy finally get her desires communicated? And even more intriguing: how will Harley take it? Will she reject it outright, still be Ivy's friend and her friend only, or...what I hope...will it be requited in turn? I hoooope. Because I love them together, and it's the happy ending they deserve. But then again, much as with Batman and Joker, happy endings aren't really what's written for them. So I guess it's all in your hands, and I shall wait as patiently as possible (which isn't very patient, seeing as excited I am) for the next few chapters to come! :D

Alrighty, I also can't believe you also posted the Shostakovich fanfic, which I absolutely ADORED as well, so I shall reread that too and be back with a review! Don't go away now! :D
