Reviews for Morass
Vixen22 chapter 17 . 11/15/2014
I enjoyed how you had sally come across as concerned for sherlock. Most of the fanfictions ive read have het as a complete bitch. The impression i get from her is more of a jealous colleague. With the thoughtless name calling and her trying to pick arguements with him. I get the inpression of if someone hurt sherlock she would feel atleast slightly protective of him because even though she picks at his actions she doesnt try to physically cause him harm. Also if he was gone she wouldnt have anyone to bricker at.
SongoftheDarquePhoenix chapter 20 . 10/3/2013
Awesome, awesome fic. Good amount of darkness, h/c, angst and a splash of romance. I like the almost horror element to it too of the hospital and Moriarty's sister. I'm going to have to read it through again though as I'm sure I missed things.
TheMadKatter13 chapter 20 . 6/21/2013
As sad as that was, it was also quite fluffy and enjoyable, but not addictive so unfortunately i have no drive to read the continuation. Thank you for posting.
Gg chapter 10 . 5/23/2013
The Homeless are so COOL
Megabat chapter 20 . 4/4/2013
Oh god I cannot begin to tell you how many ways I love this story. The angst the hurt/comfort everything was spot on Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Mycroft and even Sally Donovan. All perfect and wonderful and fed all my little Sherlock h/c kinks. Mix that in with a wonderful storyline and plot and I am in heaven. Thanks for sharing your talent.
Teamo-Seto chapter 20 . 8/18/2012
Morrolan chapter 20 . 7/19/2012
Love this.
ShillyTheEpicNinja chapter 20 . 4/5/2012









Just amazing.

Kept me wanting more.



Never bored.

Of high standard.










I missed X and Z because they're impossible. I honestly thought this was awesome.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/26/2012
Roo ooc
LostAgesOfTime chapter 3 . 3/25/2012
Mycroft seems a tad OOC
LostAgesOfTime chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
Love it so far. Nice opening.
1683200 chapter 19 . 3/22/2012
Loved the story.
Smellen chapter 20 . 3/16/2012
Wow, how could I read this fic and not give it a review? It is a beautifully written story! You've captured emotions so well; the chapters around Sherlock's rescue made me happy but also bought to tears which is not an easy thing to admit and I don't remember a story making me react in such a way.

You've combined all of this with an interesting plot and you did a great job keeping the characters in line with their true personalities.

My only negative, which isn't massive as I think its just a personal preference. But I'd have preferred the end to have progressed more slowly, it felt a little rushed to me and I do love an in depth development of their relationship. But it worked and wasn't terrible, like I said I'd just prefer more of a build up :)

Now to see what other stories you have to offer!

Thank you for your time and effort 3
EMcV94 chapter 20 . 2/14/2012
This story was simply amazing. I adored the plot and was completely immersed in it, I really felt emotionally invested in this piece, the time and effort is apparent throughout. The characterisation was also top. They were true to their portrayals in the series but took on the plot and changed accordingly. I really appreciated the 'human' side of Sherlock and the childhood explanations of his behaviour. I also enjoyed the factoring in of as many aspects of the Sherlock world as possible, from the Homeless Network to Donovan and Anderson. It really added a nice quality to the story. The building of the relationship between John and Sherlock was beautiful, and believable, and also the re-building of Sherlock and Mycroft's relationship. I unlike many stories found myself completely happy with evey aspect of this, particularly standing out to me are the humor, suspense and romance. Not to mention all the other aspects. This piece made me happy, made me laugh made me cry and made me go *fanfgirlawwwwwthat'ssocute*. It managed to make me feel, which only good authors are able to make their audiences do. I really do think this is one of the best fanfictions I have ever read and I have read hundreds. As I ship a few couples. This is also one of my favourite Sherlock fictions if not one of my favourite fictions of all my shipped couples. I will put you on watch and keep an eye on anything else you write as I find you a very talented person. Thank you for your wonderful and beautiful piece of literature.

Kind regards and all my best Lady Biscuit x
sami1010220 chapter 20 . 1/31/2012
good job. i really liked the plot for this fic. however, i can't help but feel that the story was really...idk, disjointed at some parts? like, the writing just didn't seem to flow well to me.
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