Reviews for StarClan's choices?
ACOUNT-HAS-BEEN-MOVED chapter 38 . 2/28/2017
OMSC! I feel like I could NEVER EVER make a fic as long as this! Keep up the good work, Suntalon!
Guest chapter 38 . 10/1/2016
I still want a Sunstar one pls :/
WyldClaw chapter 38 . 9/11/2015
that was nice that foxheart looked after yellowfang's kits that went to star clan way too soon
WyldClaw chapter 4 . 9/11/2015
so sweet. I love mosswing's name
Guest chapter 39 . 4/11/2015
Can you do Firestar's death?
42 4ever chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
I'm with you. Starclan gets my favs. (Cries)
A Single Drop of Winter chapter 31 . 1/5/2015
Willowbreeze died of greencough I believe, as well as two of her kits, Willowkit and Minnowkit
dovestream1011 chapter 16 . 6/18/2014
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) gray stripe:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
dovesttream1011 chapter 12 . 6/18/2014
Patchpelt died with yellow fang in the fire
dovestream1011 chapter 9 . 6/18/2014
So you did . for a second I thought misty foot was silver streams mother
dovestream1011 chapter 8 . 6/18/2014
They should went with the clans long tail did and he's BLIND
dovestream1011 chapter 7 . 6/18/2014
Did you do yellow fang ragged star or crooked star:-) :-) :-) :-)
dovestream1011 chapter 4 . 6/18/2014
Wow I love it. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
dovestream1011 chapter 3 . 6/18/2014
Wow didn't no that's how she died. Should called the alarm
dovestream1011 chapter 2 . 6/18/2014
Brirlight broke her hind legs should eve. Died not honey fern n. Since she will never walk again
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