Reviews for Leashed
Astlyr1415 chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
I love it! This is one of the best kibasaku fanfics I've read.
Please please update soon
AnimeEverywhere chapter 10 . 5/26/2018
Hi :D The idea is incredible! It's my first time reading something like this :) I totally adore Kiba & Sakura's interaction xD Their awkwardness & stubbornness is really interesting & funny to read.
Akamaru kinda seemed a bit OOC, but hey he's a dog, so i don't know what he's thinking at all xD HAHAHA! The prologue was a bit too long... The ending of the first chapter was good though. The trigger of the whole story ;) & since Team 8 doesn't get a lot of scenes in Canon-Naruto i enjoyed their interaction a lot ;) It was really well-portrayed!
I loved the story plot until the mission came up. With the mission, came a different feel to the whole story. Nothing bad, but i prefered the first stage of the story more. Especially with the enterance of Sasuke... He destroyed everything Kiba & Sakura tried to work for... T-T & since i like Sasuke a lot, it hurts to see him portrayed like this... Nevertheless it does suit the story well, so i really do hope for an update sometime soon ;)
To answer your questions, it is believable in my eyes, yes. (I totally agree with the stupid part though.) Since i was suprised by Sasuke's introduction to this story it was a really good plot twist. I actually thought it would be REALLY hard to throw the whole mess named Sasuke into this already-full-of-drama-story, but you managed just fine, more than that even! & yes, i did hope for more fluff (Lemon? xD) but i like drama too ;)
Thanks for these funny & yet dramatic chapters! I'll wait patiently for the next one.
Bye~ AnimeEverywhere
Sailor Tiamat chapter 10 . 1/8/2018
I like your story. I'm enjoying the character interactions and development.
Sexly sango chapter 10 . 7/7/2016
o boy this is starting to get good can't wait to see what happenz next
rainwolf042 chapter 10 . 4/27/2016
*checks update stamp* OMG NO PLZ DONT DO THIS TO ME PLZ UPDATE
LuckwithLions chapter 10 . 3/1/2016
I like the development and the moral ultimatum for Sakura in this chapter, but I feel like this story is becoming more about Sakura and Sasuke than Sakura and Kiba. I think having Kiba express that Uchiha wasn't exactly a great Kohona shinobi put you in a good place to make either Kiba or Sauske into a villain who forces Sakuras hand, having her choose bettween ideals would be a good way to potentially develope her character into her own individual instead of one that revolves around her male hero.
LuckwithLions chapter 8 . 3/1/2016
I like using Sasuke as a wedge in the relationship, but I think you need to add more details about why Sakura is so against a relationship, but is letting a guy live with her and sleep in her bed. You give Kiba a lot of good motivations for his actions but not Sakura which needs improvement, I would suggest looking at a more feminist area for her or using details that would give her character a reason to be less inclind toward a relationship.
LuckwithLions chapter 7 . 3/1/2016
Lots of this chapter was smiles and laughter, Kiba considering his mission and how much naruto was like a little kid was nice. You kept the anticipation for something bigger happening with a light and airy attitude. I do think a few of the statements made were slightly chauvinistic, but it's not as offensive since it comes from a male p.o.v and they regularly claim to completely misunderstand women.
LuckwithLions chapter 6 . 3/1/2016
This was a nice progression, it's good to see a prelude to some action and have a chapter that involves 'building up' of the storyline. I like how this Sakura p.o.v came out too, it flows a lot better and has a bit more of a distinct flavor than the kiba chapters than her other p.o.v
LuckwithLions chapter 4 . 3/1/2016
I'm not sure if I get motivations behind what's happening in this chapter. The whole going in and agreeing to be married without much introspection and knowledge of the partner. I'm also not sure if I like all the alleging to the moments where you switch tenses throughly the story with 'little did I know this would be the first of blak blah...' I think it would be better is you kept tenses constant, over alonger stretch instead of switching back and forth constantly. That's not to say that you can't switch tenses it should just be less abrupt and signal the end of a 'scene' ( not sure what you call it in ff)
I do like that you kept the humor in the serious scene's like Sakura mistaking Kiba's mum for a man (totally doable, the first time I saw her in the anime it was like a gender bent Kiba)

P.s this is meant as constructive criticism and please don't take me too seriously I'm not all that proper or important. ;)
LuckwithLions chapter 3 . 3/1/2016
This turned out kinda sweet, it's a nice contrast to the badgering going on. I think I like your Kiba p.o.v better it seems less forced and a little more flowing.
LuckwithLions chapter 2 . 3/1/2016
I like how you made it more serious, but kept the humor. I do think that perhaps the fainting was over the top but it progresses the sorry line faster.
LuckwithLions chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
This is a really good laugh so far, I was kinda hesitant from just your blurb but I'm glad I decided to check your story out. I think humor is one of the most important qualifiers for a good story. :)
Soulland chapter 3 . 11/21/2015
CheshireKitKat chapter 10 . 10/17/2015
are you going to continue this!?
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