Reviews for Well, Excuse Me, Prince Amiti!
jnuyjr chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
lol aweosme! i luvz it! Can you make a shipping fanfic of Rief and Matthew? I can't find this couple ANYWHERE! Plz help me. PLZ!
Lys8375 chapter 1 . 5/3/2014
I loved it! I especially enjoy how you made Amiti's character and smirks like the ones of his father!
Nomadic Sorcerer chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
What an awesome one-shot! It had me laughing the whole way through! :D I could definitely picture Tyrell and Amiti not being able to hit it off very well, considering in the game Tyrell's always making snitty remarks...

I really like your writing style. The grammar is excellent! The only thing I'm saddened by was that it ended too soon!

Hope you end up putting up more!
Kora Bloom chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
That was so hilarious! Those two can't help but argue. If I remember right, they had an argument pretty much as soon as Amiti joined up.
demonwindy chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
that was really funny. I love it.
Fehize chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
-nods- Smells and reads like a slice outta life! I really like this! 3

Sanzano chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Oh! An Amiti-centric fanfic! That sounds interesting and the first one-shot was good and funny, in character makes it better. I will continue reading, I just hope you are not introducing any pairings...

Anyway, is you story. See you!
Iwillwriteforthisfandomsoon chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
This is great. The characters really are in character. I like the way that you had Rief and Matthew go off in separate directions to deal with their respective friends. Also, you're one of the only authors so far who hasn't depicted Rief as a) a complete bitch, b) over-emotional, or c) just someone who everyone hates for no reason. I like him. You depicted him like he is- a reasonable, smart person who is a little bit timid. Keep writing, and hopefully write more of these one shots!
A Neverending Dream of Flight chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
I really like this idea, and you've executed it well so far. It's also nice that you have Matthew actually talk, because I don't believe that he never says anything in the game.

I didn't notice any spelling or grammar errors, and everything connected smoothly. The characters are in-character, which is nice, and I can completely picture this type of thing happening. I'm glad you're writing about certain internal struggles they may have, it's an interesting take that's mostly hinted at in the game(from what I've played, anyway).

Anyway, great job, and keep up the good work
Fried Chicken chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Wow it appears to be my favorite one-shot in the Golden Sun Dark dawn fandom so far...(I know there are not so many anyways...)

Like everyone said, I could really imagine the characters doing this in the game...

Still it is funny to see how Amiti and Tyrell seems to hate/be rivals with each other and bit like their respective fathers...( yeah, Amiti's dad (not to spoil anything but...) seemed enjoying getting on the nerves of Garet...on Mt Aleph for example...)

Will you write other one -shots?

I hope so.

See you!
anonymous chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Aha, that was cute, and I could totally see them doing that.
MannaKallat chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
I lol'ed. A lot. :D

They were so in character... I hope so see more in time
Numden00b chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Wow...everyone's perfectly in-character. D