Reviews for The Cartographer
Little Kunai chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
Aww what a comforting little oneshot :D
Songbird-O chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
Piers is one of my favorite characters in GS, as well as a very unique character in general. When I searched his name, the title "The Cartographer" caught my eye. Because the first thing I thought was "Someone remembered that he was sent to make maps? This is about Piers and the world, isn't it? One of my favorite characters in one of my favorite Video Game worlds ever.

This fic did not disappoint. I can tell it was unbeta'd, like you said, though. Some sentences feel like run-ons, and there are a few awkward sentences that could have done with some rewording. For instance, "I've recently been remembering my original mission from King Hydros" sounds like he forgot the mission in the first place, which I would doubt. I personally would have written "I have been thinking of the mission King Hydros gave me," or something along those lines. But those are relatively nitpicky.

The feelings are there, and for that, you have my eternal thanks. I don't read much Golden Sun fic, but I think people sometimes forget that Piers is essentially in another world. Where time seems to pass quicker, and things change all around him. You nailed that theme. Mentioning the feeling of not having time was a good way to introduce the thought, but it was the line "It was so nice, hearing a child's voice again" just drove it home. It was subtle, short, and hard-hitting. Nice job.

I have been replaying Lost Age these past few weeks. And a line from an NPC that stuck with me was about how Piers looked when he found out his black orb had been stolen. His ship really is his most prized possession, and I can't imagine him doing anything that doesn't involve sailing. The thought of Piers chartering a new map for the new world never occurred to me. But I love it! It is his character! It's what he would do! And you filled it with emotion that he would hold!

I'll wrap this up similarly to how you did. To a Lemurian, things everywhere else must move really, really fast in comparison. This is a feeling I feel consistently in this. But at the same time, when things exist for a shorter time, you can't take them for granted. They feel more special if they don't last forever. I loved how you wrapped up this tale with piers acknowledging that he is no longer the lost one. He has a home now. Something (or a whole bunch of somethings) that is valuable, and that doesn't take him for granted either. Piers was never the lost one to any of his comrades. An ageless man feeling the weight of change is what this entire story echoes of to are made quickly, but they leave a lasting impression. Matthew is five years old, yet he is already calling Piers "uncle" as a term of affection. And Matthew left his lasting impression in something that may seem trivial, but holds so much meaning in a rapidly changing world. And despite minor nitpicks, I love it. It is a good stand alone study of Piers. Wonderful job.
Kitsune Kit chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
This is excellent! Very well written!
A Neverending Dream of Flight chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
Awww, this was wonderful. I love stories dealing with character interactions, especially when they're as well written as this. Little Matthew was absolutely adorable. Great job and keep up the good work
Hawki chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
-Few grammar issues noticed early on, e.g. "You must have had a long journey getting here, Piers," He said calmly (He shouldn't be capitalized). It's repeated a few more times.

In regards to the content itself, and the story as a whole, I'd say it's quite good. I wouldn't have really considered Isaac the most logical choice for interaction with Piers, considering that the two parties team up so late in 'The Lost Age' (with Jenna, Felix and to an extent Kraden really the only bridges between the two), but it works well enough here and Jenna fits in well for her part. I guess I could ask why Matthew calls Piers "uncle" when he already has a biological one, but it still works. And Piers struggling to find his way in this new world is appropriate for his character IMO.

So anyway, good job.
Lily chapter 1 . 12/9/2010
Wow! Can you update soon? Piers was my favorite Golden Sun character, but he didn't receive much spotlight... haha lol.
Mystwalker chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
Aww, that was sweet! I liked it! Little Matthew was so cute, and Piers's feelings made a whole lot of sense. Everyone was in character too. Good job.