Reviews for Nothing But the Truth
Scissors Dolphin chapter 2 . 7/18
So in the mornings, Videl didn't know Goku's death, but at noon, she is already aware of a documentary about his death?
DhruvaZ chapter 13 . 7/9
Ill be honest
Easily Top 5 in my favourite fanfiction of all time
evanonymous chapter 9 . 1/18
Thomas-The-TMC chapter 8 . 7/28/2019
I've just burst out laughing at the line of trunks being trunks father and vegeta having an affair hahahah
Guest chapter 12 . 5/24/2019

The only one can tell GOD not to be cheeky.
xSean chapter 10 . 1/14/2019
So this actually had the potential to be a funny little fic, then it went full blown retard. Literally. I always hate bonds of any sorts but you had to put that in there out the blue anyways.

You also had this Anniversary idea (Which was honestly interesting at first) then totally fucked it all up royally. Frieza and Cell are now on earth for 7 hours, they were granted 2 wishes for their time there and they chose Saiyans over 15 Years Old can't transform in their Super Saiyan Forms. That entire concept is retarded! Why would they specify over 15 Years? It is so stupid.

2nd wish you had them go for Immortality for the 7 hours they are on Earth... Are you brain dead? Do you think this makes a good story? Truly? Why would 2 beings from HELL ever be considered for this 7 Year Death Anniversary shit after literally destroying multiple peoples lives knowingly and deliberately? The answer is they wouldn't. Why do they get wishes when Goku did not? Goku is the good guy yes? What about literally everyone else?

Bad decision making, bad plot, bad writing. Totally fucked up what could've been a funny fic about Hercule being revealed as a fraud.

Anybody reading this looking for a good fic just know that this one is absolute garbage, feel free to skip it. What a waste of time.
PinaHime chapter 16 . 10/29/2018
I am Pina~Hime of the sayajin, AKA Ichigo Briefs. Or my OC. Anyways, this story was Dende-dammed awesome! Stupid Trohan. (Kinda need to refer to them that, as it is their collective term.) Why didn't they match their powers? Do you think opposite genders could fuse, say Godel (Gohan fused with Video) or Gochi (Goku fused with Chi-Chi)? I think it'd be an interesting concept. If I may ask, could you please are even put that in a story? I won't get mad, I swear. Also, could you please *applys Goten's puppy dog eyes* update this one plus write Camp 'Let's Ruin Gohan's Life'? Thanks in advance!
Videl Satan chapter 4 . 9/13/2018
Gohan, she. Likes. You. And she wants to know... Will. You. Like. Her. Better. With. Short. Hair.
No chapter 8 . 8/29/2018
I started laughing everytime someone says he worked at Pizza Hut!
Videl Satan chapter 12 . 8/11/2018
Videl Satan chapter 4 . 8/10/2018
Gohan, i dont understand most girls either, and imam one! Tho, ive always been considered one of th guys...maybe thats why...
Saffron Gales chapter 8 . 7/31/2018
I love this an evil comenter takes the lide
Saffron Gales chapter 5 . 7/31/2018
No now they think he is lieing
Guest chapter 16 . 6/16/2018
What if Babidi return that forced Mirai Trunks and Adult Gohan to use fusion. Since Babidi can control people that are evil so Trohan is an evil Fusion so it would be crazy for the good guys to fight Trohan again. I always wanted to see an Majin Trohan or a Majin Mirai Trunks since Mirai Trunks have so much hatred for the life he has.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/16/2018
Please don't tell me that you are abandoning this story.
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