Reviews for The Travelers Chronicles
Pokeevee57 chapter 1 . 6/13
Ok, this story has been in my mind for months now and has never left and I just can’t stop thinking about it so I’m gonna read this again and review on each chap! Because I love this fic a whole lot :3

So... first chapter!

It’s been a good while since I’ve read this chapter, so it was a really good refresher for how the story started! I knew the world they went to but I couldn’t remember a lot of the events, or how Kaito revealed himself to Shinichi. But now I do! Heheh

I haven’t really watched a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh, but I knew most of the characters, which was good! Even if I didn’t, I know I’d be able to enjoy it anyways. But yeah, this entire chap was an excellent start! Gonna read more soon!
SPAWNOFDARKNESS chapter 16 . 5/27
This is absolutely bloody fantastic! Are you going to update or is this discontinued? I really hope it’s not and that you’ll update it soon. But if it is then thank you for updating 16 chapters and not deleting it. Though would you please consider continuing it?
Diaflower chapter 16 . 5/3
I just had the thought that Shinichi's magic powers could be more about keeping people alive, and I think that would be really cool! (I also think having Shinichi learn how to fight would be useful, what if he needs to? I really would prefer it if he didn't die.) Also, I'm really excited for them to meet everyone! Maybe they end up in UA somehow? I can't wait!
Pokeevee57 chapter 16 . 4/5
I read this story in one day, that’s how good it was

Honestly, I love everything about this, and even if they only spend a short time in each world, it still feels like a lifetime, and that’s great!

And of course, as a fan of KaiShin, I also really like this haha

As for the worlds themselves, I recognized a lot of them (which was really cool and fun (and I also can’t wait for the next one btw)), but there were also some that I didn’t recognize. You did a very good job at writing those worlds though, even without me knowing much :) Though I cant help but look up the plot of whatever place they’ve been that I don’t know haha

Also also, I think you wrote the Ouran world pretty well! As soon as I saw rose, I laughed and joked it’d be Ouran and color me surprised when it actually was XD

So yeah, I’m definitely really really really enjoying this story! I know it’s been quite a while since the last update, but if the next chapter is coming, I look forward to what’s up next! :)
Sorem chapter 16 . 2/24
Oh please please continue the story i really love it so much
Guest chapter 16 . 2/23
this sotry is pretty shite, look up "The Detective" by "I luvgrace420" it is a much better sotry then this shite.000.0.
JabberwockyTamer chapter 16 . 2/15
I hope Kaito puts Bakugo in his place, either if he sees him bullying Izuku or antagonizing Shinichi
Daimonds in the rain chapter 16 . 2/1
i have read.. almost all of your stories and this one.. is one of the best fanfics ever... a hugeee thank you for writing this fabulous story and.. just.. wow.. i hope you continue this story soon. a huge fan here.. as you can see.. i even kept my name after one of your stories.. (loved that one too) ...this is my first review and i wanted it to be in one of my most favourite ff.. seriously reading this was a huge treat.
TiesMi chapter 16 . 1/6
I cant wait for your next update! I just finished and I don’t regret the hours of sleep I’ve lost! Your writing is spectacular and I hope I can see more of this story and finish it before school kills me! XDXDXD
Thank you so much for this amazing series. I had so much fun seeing Yugioh and the other animes I recognized! I can’t wait for them to meet Deku and Shoto, and the gang XD Will they go as students and train their powers?! That’ll be so cool!
Oh, and... will Bungo Stray dog or no game no life be in this universe? Sorry, it’s just that. Ranpo and the Blank team are so smart, It would be fun for them to interact with our 2 smart bois XD
Anyways, Thank you again. I hope you have a great day!
Happy New year! XD
urshurak chapter 16 . 11/24/2019
I don't know why I skipped this story so many times, it's marvellous! Must be the summary, one expects something completely different.
Sunnami chapter 16 . 11/22/2019
I just finished reading this after just finding it about a week ago, and I will honestly say I have enjoyed it every step of the way. Really hope to see this story continued sometime.

Also, was thinking of other places that could work for some more stops as well as some favorites of mine:
Natsume Yuujinchou (spirits and could be a relaxing area)
Stargate SG-1 (space and world traveling)
Sonic X (adventures and stuff, or just a bunch of a mess)
Tales of (any of the anime or games would be interesting in my opinion)
Cardcaptor Sakura (not sure if anyone would be interested in this one)
Persona (3 is still my favorite, but it would be somewhat interesting)
Devil Survivor (somewhat the same reason as the above)
Batman/Justice League/Young Justice (action and stuff)
Battlestar Galactica (cause more spaceships)
Avengers (not sure, could be an idea...)
Mobile Suit Gundam (my favorite ones are Wing, Seed, and 00. But since these teens to involve wars, I'm not sure how it could go.)
RWBY (could work and more traveling)
Megaman (would be interesting with how everything is connected)
Pokemon (just cause and mostly laid-back and peaceful)
Cyborg 009 (an old favorite of mine, but sadly never had an actual ending...)
.hack/ (would be random getting thrown into a game or made to play it to help out or something)

Okay, somewhat of a list there already... Sorry if it's a bit random and everywhere...
Also, not sure how interesting it would be, but could poke at some of the Disney movies.

Thanks for the time, and wish you a great day.
Amethystashes chapter 16 . 10/17/2019
I’ve been getting back into the dcmk fandom and just reread this entire story from start to finish. It was one of my favorites when I was really into Detective Conan and I’m glad that it holds up to my memory as one of the most interesting and exciting fanfictions (in any fandom) I’ve read. I love all the work you put into the character development and Kaito and Shinichi’s relationship building slowly but steadily. I also like the powers you’ve given both of the boys and seeing their reactions to them. Kaito diving in headfirst while Shinichi is hesitant. It makes me excited to see him learn more about his powers and intentionally start to use them. This time, I devoured the story in two days. Each chapter is such a delight, and they’re all true to the worlds they come from. Admitted there have been a couple I’m unfamiliar with but the way you tell the story, it’s easy to pick up on their own unique traits without any background knowledge at all and I think that’s part of what makes this story so enjoyable. For fans, seeing Easter eggs is a delight and for non-fans it’s easily accessible and enjoyable.

I know this story hasn’t been undated in like ten months, but I’m really hoping it isn’t abandoned. Especially since in the time since I last read it, I’ve actually caught up in My Hero Academia and I am super interested in reading your take on that world. There are so many interesting revelations that I can imagine, like the boys having powers tying into discussions about quirks or about thievery or solving murders versus hero ideals. Plus with the newest season of My Hero Academia coming out now, there’s so many new characters it would be fascinating to see Kaito and Shinichi interact with! But even if we don’t see that update for a long time yet, I will be happy to daydream about the pieces of this fun fanfiction that you’ve already shared.
Anano Jinseite chapter 16 . 10/14/2019
omg aaa ive been rereading this fic a lot of times now and i just wanted to say again how great this isss i still look forward to the next update! I love bnha a lot too, and im just crossing my fingers aizawa-sensei gets cameos there too ahHAHAHA tbh, sensei kinda reminds me a lot of Shin-chan, and Present Mic sensei kinda hyper vibes like Kai too! Aaa itll be gr8 if there'll be interactions with them, but im not going to get my hopes up much o Thank you for the wonderful ficcc! All thru out this years, this is still one of my faves
FireInLife chapter 16 . 10/1/2019
The last time I read this was back during the Zoids chapter. It's amazing to see how far things have gone. I had a very enjoyable experience reading this story, and I'm looking forward to more someday perhaps.

InuYasha reminded me of another anime. No idea if you've seen it before or not, but it's called Ranma 1/2. It's actually by the same author as InuYasha. It's a rather fun story with all sorts of hijinks involved. Plenty of fan characters involved as well, and I think there are even a couple crossovers with Detective Conan you can find on .

It would be cool if you were interested enough in it to make it one of the worlds they travel to. Although gotta admit, it's so chaotic I'm not sure how well the stories would mesh together, haha.

Regardless, the My Hero Academia chapter should be really exciting. Looking forward to what you write. Thank you!
Naramyon chapter 16 . 6/14/2019
God, it's been so long since I've reread this series. xD I'm going to have a heck of a time remembering how they've been doing.
Question: Do you have any plans to put The Travelers Chronicles up on Ao3?

Kaito being mistaken for a demon is hilarious. And Nakamori would agree. :3

Of course Shinichi couldn't walk away. He never can.
I'm glad they managed to find the answer, even if it wasn't a happy one. That's really the best it could've gone.

Kaito just THROWS himself into the well-! xD 'Never looks before he leaps'.

Thank you for the update! This is my favorite crossover fic.
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