Reviews for Blood of the Saiyans
fang3932 chapter 5 . 7/14
honestly I can't see Bulma just saying ok and handing over the dragon radar it doesn't match up and in my opinion needs to be changed
Guest chapter 13 . 8/1/2018
It's great, but could you add more chapters about how well Chi-Chi's going through the pregnancy, birth, and new life of her reincarnation as Goku's child? "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEE?" :'(
Blake2020 chapter 8 . 2/8/2018
Blake2020 chapter 6 . 2/8/2018
I'm glad No Chi-chi this time please let her stay dead or something and let goku have somebody else a female saiyan this time.
ilovecandy643 chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
*Xindra* what do you mean a horrible female saiyan mary sue like the one you have as your profile picture? Pure blooded saiyans ,I am assuming that she is pure blooded , literally have an inability, I think it might be because of the absence of the gene that causes different hair and eye colours, to have any eye or hair colour than black as is implied in both the Manga and anime. Oh and don't tell me that it is because she is a Super Saiyan Rose because that is very improbable, rare and utter BULLSHIT! !
RoseBloodmane chapter 10 . 1/12/2017
Boring. Darn I was hoping for a female Saiyan to get with Goku. Darn guess I'll go try find another story.

Thanks for the nice Read, but I was actually hoping for a story with Goku getting with a female Saiyan rather then with chichi or another Human.
RoseBloodmane chapter 6 . 1/12/2017
Haha so someone killed of Chichi. Thank goodness for that. No offense to others, but she just to damn strict and controlling. Personally I'd rather see Goku with a female Saiyan rather then a human control freak bitch.
code R.R chapter 6 . 1/11/2017
oh well...damn
code R.R chapter 2 . 1/11/2017
I do like that he got control over his monkey form, maybe it won't be so soon never used again.

Though I am a bit sad he lost his eye but things happen
HyperspaceGamer chapter 10 . 1/11/2017
Prior to reading this story and then doing a little bit of research on the topic, I didn't know that the Dragon Ball universe actually had deities. I knew that there existed people with roles that would be similar to that of a deity, or that people existed with certain powers or such great power that they seemed to be divine, but I didn't know that some characters were actually recognized as deities.
HyperspaceGamer chapter 11 . 1/10/2017
I didn't realize that chapter 13 was the latest chapter, so I didn't really bother to write it as how I would write my review of the latest chapter of the story. Mainly, I would have stated how much I love the story, and how I cannot wait for you to update. Though, seeing as how it's been quite a while since the story has last been updated, all I can really hope for is that you eventually get back to the story, updating it if and when you do.
HyperspaceGamer chapter 13 . 1/10/2017
While I can understand Annin's anger at her husband sleeping with another woman, I honestly think that she should be more enraged with herself than anyone else, as she is the one who caused the alcohol to be in the drinks and is the one who invited Bulma into bed with her and her husband.
HyperspaceGamer chapter 12 . 1/10/2017
I'm certainly not going to beg like some porn-crazed teenager for a side-story of the missing lemons of this story, but I will say that the end scene could certainly be some nice material, and it'd be really cool if you were to write it...
HyperspaceGamer chapter 5 . 1/10/2017
So what's this whole thing about Kami being a god? He's merely the Guardian of Earth, and he is very much mortal. So is just that that is what he and everyone else believes (Kami doesn't remember anything about his origins and Nemek yet), or are you actually saying that he is a god in this fic?
HyperspaceGamer chapter 4 . 1/10/2017
The Ultra Divine Water is stated, by Darkness, to not be meant for humans. Since Goku is the only person who was ever recorded to have survived the consumption of the water (aside from Yajirobe, but he only had a drop so it can be assumed that such a small amount is pretty much useless) in canon, and is a Saiyan, it could actually be that it's only because of the fact that he is a Saiyan and not a human that he survived, alongside his strong will and all that.

Personally, I loved how only Goku was able to use the Water, and I don't like it how other people are consuming it. It seriously takes away from the special-ness of the situation if so many people survive it. I hope that they either die because of their foolishness (and are later revived, obviously) or their will to live outlasted the fatal qualities, but they still weren't granted any power boosts from it.
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