Reviews for Mistletoe's Not For Show
bailey1ak chapter 4 . 11/29/2011
What a wonderful Christmas story for these two!
Hellzz-on-Earth chapter 4 . 10/24/2011
You are amazing and make Chloe and Oliver the most fantastic pairing ever. I love and miss them.
Hieiko chapter 2 . 4/4/2011
My goodness, Chloe and Oliver are SO. FREAKIN'. ADORABLE. here!

The way you wrote them... they are so cute. Wish I had an Oliver of my own, hehe. :)
dreamiedreamer chapter 4 . 12/14/2010
Thank you very much for this lovely Christmas story.
VoicesInTheWind chapter 4 . 12/14/2010
Best Christmas fanfic ever! Short and absolutely sweet, but with a plot that wove around itself in a most satisfying manner. I love this fic!

I adore the fact that you brought Santa in. I usually roll my eyes at the over-sentimental holiday episodes of TV shows, because they tend to go so far overboard you need scuba gear to keep up - but Smallville's episode with Santa that year really wasn't like that. They kept it just subtle enough that it didn't feel "preachy" or self-righteous, and you maintained that balance perfectly.

My favorite part was when you had the flashback to when Santa asked Chloe and Oliver what they wanted for Christmas, and it suddenly became clear that this entire time jolly old Saint Nick had been putting down yellow bricks (or green-ribboned packages, as the case may be), leading our darling couple to exactly what they had been too afraid to ask for. Very sweet :)

Wonderful, wonderful writing! I am now on a glorious Holiday High, all thanks to you! Thank you! A very Merry (if slightly early) Christmas to you!

iluvaqt chapter 4 . 12/13/2010
Wow, hot, romantic and gorgeous. Planned his moves expertly that Santa did. :) Wondeful Christmas story.
iluvaqt chapter 3 . 12/13/2010
ahhh, to giddy and sap-filled to comment. :D
iluvaqt chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
I love the banter and Chloe's internal rationalizations and how she's fighting everything, but then not at the same time. Gorgeous and cute, but I'm surprised Lois gave up on her digging so quickly. She never ignores her instincts. ;)

/A jade heart, attached to a delicate silver chain. A bracelet? For his right hand? He was a man, damn it./ LMAO
iluvaqt chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Absolutely love the link back. With all this doom and gloom lately it's not hard to see why one could forget all about that happy Christmas though. I'm glad Chloe remembered him, and he's Santa, of course he wouldn't forget her.

/"Merry Christmas," she whispered to him, not sure why she felt her voice choking a little./

That bit choked me up too. Off to read more.
The Alternative Source chapter 4 . 12/11/2010
Oh! Look at me blushing! Thank god no one walked in the room. Chloe and Oliver getting naughty? Ciao.
The Alternative Source chapter 3 . 12/11/2010
Go Dinah! I love how everyone's being sneaky sneaky and helping them out. And then when Clark looked at Oliver when he said that green was Chloe's favorite laughter I lost it. Couldn't stop laughing at the look that I can visualize Clark giving Oliver. Ciao.
The Alternative Source chapter 2 . 12/11/2010
Oh my...dying of laughter and cuteness. lol. I loved this chapter as well. I can just imagine Chloe stuffed and not able to move while rubbing her belly. Don't feed the Chloe! Oh...when she corrects him about "Don't feed the Chloe!" you have a spelling error. The "no" is supposed to be "not". Ciao!
The Alternative Source chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Absolutely love this! The end was my favorite part. Imply? Me?
Faraheim chapter 4 . 12/11/2010
that was soooooo cuuuuteeeeee! XD
Jeremy Shane chapter 4 . 12/11/2010
Good Story