Reviews for White Devil
Sejuani-Weaver chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
I loved it. It was amazing and beautiful and something that I could actually see Youko Kurama doing. And I do think Kuronue would be the more sympatheric type
ChibiLady chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Wonderful, I loved the vivid description, it was awesome.
Vulpecula Night chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
I love your vivid writing style. It captures the essence of the scene spectacularly. It literally stole my breath from me as I was reading this. The Kurama here is the one I always picture when I think of his demonic past. Many stories I read that involve Youko's past usually forget the cold demonic mentality in regards to his own band of thieves. He's always humanized to a certain extent even before he became somewhat human. In Yu Yu Hakusho, a demon is a demon. There are very few true relationships involving honest companionship between them. For Youko, the only one I believe would be Kuronue. His band of thieves wouldn't receive the same or even remotely similar treatment. Thank you for reminding everyone of this.

Continue your writing. It is, indeed, fantastic.

last place chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Intense! I got chills. I love this side of Youko, and I don't think I've ever actually read a piece that showed his "dark side". heh.

I'm definitely going to read your other stories.

Btw, your diction was the cherry on top. God that was cliche...xD