Reviews for The Other Side Of Down
debpreato chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
Sweet and beautiful
Ginevra Annabeth Herondale chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
I completely and utterly loved this one-shot! It had a perfect balance of all aspects throughout!
Loved it loved it loved it!
Amazing work!
:D :D :D
KF-TheBibliothecary chapter 1 . 12/23/2011
hahahahaha i find it surprising and sad that throughout that whole wonderful story, the only thing i could think was "Does she know that she named Lissa's twins the exact same names as Phil and Lil on The Rugrats Nickelodeon show?" so now i feel ashamed XD it was a great story! BYE!
jasmineyeo chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
Loooove it. :)
Do'B chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
this is such a beautiful story. you have written every word with such heartfelt emotion. you truly captured the passion and feelings of each of the characters-again beautifully written.

i loved it all, the fact that dimitri was attentive towards rose during her pregnancy, and after and being there for emma. taking on the role as daddy. and asking emma if she would like for him to be her father, when emma asked who her daddy was.

i love reading when dimitri and rose had put emma to be and dimitri was telling rose about the "one" who had captured his heart. only later for rose to realise that it was she that dimitri was talking about. this was so beautifully described again and well written.

please do not give up writting. i must admit i would loved to have read more on this story, so please with further stories write heaps of chaps...
SassYNoleS chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
loved it !
Crazy-cookie-stealer33 chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Oh my god that was adorable! ; I absolutley love that little girl Emma, she is just the cutest thing! Ahhh it's so nice to have a funny love story that has a really happy ending AND was written well! Its a great releif after all the fanfics I've read recently :P hahaha anyways, loved it. Keep up the good work!
VampChick76 chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Awww, how cute! I love it!

Vaena chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Great ! Amazing story !
Fanfiction reader chapter 1 . 12/30/2010

I loved this story xx

Thank you soooo much ! :)

kittenxxkisses chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
Wow! I like how your story doesn't have the whole Rose miraculously gets pregnant with Dimitri. I liked it the first time, but now it's kinda getting old...

Emma is ADORABLE. I also liked how the mistake with Jesse was put way behind them and they moved on. It just proves that even if life brings you down, you can get back up again.

A great story. Truly amazing :)
Twilighternproud chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
Loooooveee itt xxx
Poppy Salvatore-Ozera chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
love love love the ending!
Nicia chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
Brilliant. :):):) I'm so happy they got their happily ever after :') xx
dimitrisfuturegf chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
aww how cute...!:)
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