Reviews for Final Fantasy After XIII
Guest chapter 25 . 5/30/2013
Gahh i cant get over the fact that light has and eyepatch 0.0 ehh im sort of getting used to it but fir the most part i pretend it isnt there x3
Guest chapter 10 . 5/30/2013
Yea! Fangs back :D 3
roxyroxas1313 chapter 44 . 3/6/2013
Very amazing i love the beginning i was like NOOOOOOO TT"
dainlord chapter 45 . 11/18/2012
The ending is both happy and tragedy, I love thoose kind of stories (and yet still wish it would be only a happy ending, but still maybe it's because of the ending that this is so good!)

It would have been so great if Serah remembered Lightning after her daughter said her name!
RubyDeeragon chapter 45 . 5/12/2012
This was a great read. I enjoyed your touch of originality and I look forward to reading the sequel later. Keep it up!
Olive343 chapter 45 . 4/30/2012
Well, where to begin? First off, the story on purely its own merits is great, the characterisation of Lightning and Fang is good, especially the way they dance around each other initially.

In respect to the ultimatum given to Light, I have to say, I was reminded of the ending of ME3 quite a bit, with the suddden world-changing choices and all. Not that I mind, you seemed to show it in a way that made sense, unlike ME3...

I also liked the epilogue that you did as well, it wrapped up all the characters nicely, as well as revealing your happy ending for the heroines.

All-in-all, an excellent read. Good show, sir!
rest for the wicked chapter 45 . 4/18/2012
First off, let me just say that I am most definitely going blind from having read your story for 3 days straight (sneaking it at work, reading it while my teacher was lecturing and completely ignoring sleep in order to complete screens do not good eyesight make). I want to say that this is one of my top 3 flight fanfics, and trust me, I've read close to a hundred.

Your story was BEYOND compelling and I feel incredible having read it. You are a truly talented writer and I can see myself becoming an avid follower of your stories. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors and I would like to sincerely thank you for having written this although I know you did it for yourself rather than unpromised praise from a passing reader.

Forever enthralled,

~rest for the wicked
Tear of Light chapter 45 . 4/8/2012
Wow. I don't know what to say. I certainly didn't anticipate to story to end like this. While I can understand the anonymous review raging about the ending being similar to Mass Effect 3, somehow I feel you've managed to get around that whole stupid ending thing in the ME3 game. I really liked this ending (despite absolutely loathing the ending for ME3) and felt this was the right way to end things given the last twist in the story. I would really love to read what happened to Light and how she and Fang turned things around in the past though. Admittedly, I felt a tug at the heartstrings around the part which showed Serah not feeling quite right in being an only child. And of course, the part with Averia, both haunting and awesome. I have to hand it to you, you certainly made good with this unusual ending. Well done!
wunderwolfer chapter 45 . 4/8/2012
Fantastic well written story, really enjoyed it and I loved the ending; happy but with a hint of sadness. Would love to read the story of how Fang, Vanille and Lightning mananged to bring peace to Cocoon and Gran Pulse.

Great work.
Gypsii chapter 45 . 4/7/2012
I'd love to see what happened to Lightning!
HopelessHardHeaded chapter 45 . 4/6/2012
My God. That's the end. I don't want it to end. The only thought is unbearable!

Serah's misterious feeling of sadness and missing is just... I'm going to cry I'm going to cry I'm going to cry! That's just awful that you can feel the greatness of this ending, how it is right and how it sounds wrong at the same time. A happy ending, if you think that our FFXIII heroes don't have memories about anything they went through, but you can't help feeling like shit about everything. And we just can't do anything about it... Guess that's how it has to end.

I think everyone couldn't do anything but read about our pink-haired girl as the hero she has to be. If you wrote about her during the war between Gran Pulse and Cocoon we'll make you a statue.

You're great!
utenafangirl chapter 45 . 4/6/2012
Well indeed I was expecting timetravelness and seeing what would happen in grand pulse (very relieved if it be on a separate fic story). Its cool to see what the outcome came down to in this chapter but yeah I can understand the infinite possibility that may happen to lightning *hugs* 45chps and an awesome story ) it was great reading it all. Cant wait to read more from ya
Wish B chapter 45 . 4/6/2012
Just finished reading your story. I thought it was great read. You did a fine job of keeping everyone in character in my opinion and their interactions with one another were on point. Now going to be honest, I thought chapter 44 was a bit off. I felt it was an odd direction to go in, but after reading the epilogue I think it wraps it up fairly well. I look forward to reading (if you decide to post them) the alternate ending and the prevention of the war.

Thank you for the wonderful story.
Silentx32 chapter 45 . 4/6/2012
Don't listen to the guy below yeah the story does go a little haywire but the overral experience was pretty enjoyable. This ending was a little random especially since it doesn't really explain much. I hope the next fic comes sooner than latter.
Erifrats101 chapter 45 . 4/6/2012
No flames here; I think you handled that very well! :)
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