Reviews for Saved By The Teacher
4 Ezria chapter 15 . 4/13/2014
the story was phenomenal I loved every single word every chapter I loved so much. Then everything is just been so amazing thank you so much for writing it this has been incredible thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
4 Ezria chapter 14 . 4/13/2014
this is so sad Wren died and now Ezra is going to watch over Wrens son with Aria.
4 Ezria chapter 13 . 4/13/2014
why do they have to go to the hospital I'm really nervous
4 Ezria chapter 12 . 4/13/2014
so Aria and her daughter are both sick maybe she's pregnant maybe not
4 Ezria chapter 11 . 4/13/2014
I can't get enough of the story it's so good and poor little baby she's sick ol
4 Ezria chapter 10 . 4/13/2014
this is so crazy that he's actually her legally her father yayyyyyy
4 Ezria chapter 9 . 4/13/2014
aw this story is so great and then she said she can't wait to see his kids with him cool
4 Ezria chapter 8 . 4/13/2014
yes they're getting married and dating for like a couple of days but that's okay cuz they've known each other for a year and they love each other oh my gosh this is so exciting I can't wait for them to get married this is going to be the best ever yes yes yes
4 Ezria chapter 7 . 4/13/2014
this is really good this is a cute chapter I really liked it and they said they love each other Awwww
4 Ezria chapter 6 . 4/13/2014
well that was awesome I love home these chapters are so great. Finally they slept together and she wasn't scared either that's a good sign
4 Ezria chapter 5 . 4/13/2014
he doesn't mind if she calls him daddy that is so cute and she said that maybe in the future we can adopt her and they can be a family together Awwwww
4 Ezria chapter 4 . 4/13/2014
now all the girls are going to know that she's dating him and living with him
4 Ezria chapter 3 . 4/13/2014
yes they finally kissed you
4 Ezria chapter 2 . 4/13/2014
it's weird because they're not dating but yet she's meeting his parents
4 Ezria chapter 1 . 4/13/2014
this is a really good story but I can't believe that this man does this to her I hope that Ezra hurts that man
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