Reviews for New Beginnings
Lake Effect chapter 1 . 5/16/2011
I wish I could think of more words to describe this :)

But unfortunately I'm lacking creativity right I'm just going to say that it's perfect :D
ImagineWhatItWouldBeLikeToFly chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
I LOVE this! :) one of the best oneshots I've ever read, I think! I loved how different it was from everything else you read on here, and how Chad and Sonny never throw themselves at each other in the makes me happy when that doesn't happen:) Great job!
poetryandprayer chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
this makes me happy... and sad...all at the same time. It's a good emotion.
past decembers chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
Short, yet it had a big impact. Loved it :)

-Bridgit xx
southernchristiangirl chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
:D cute
BlaineDAnderson chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
oh my gosh i loved this soooo much! its not a typical channy story ...its just awesome! please continue this cos ill be waiting for the next chapter! :D
tee off chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
I think it's a shame when talented writers like you - who actually use proper grammar and good sentence structure etc - get overlooked by those who write poorly, with a lack of punctuation and improper spelling. So I'm reviewing because you totally, 100% deserve this :) sorry for my rant :P I was wondering if you could make a sequel? Because it would be nice to have a bit more Channy in this as it's written so well. Or maybe not, considering you ended it so well. Anyway, I'm just reviewing to tell you what a great story it is and that your writing deserves so many more reviews than some of the eight year olds on here (if you know what I mean :P) that write awfully about romance and are rewarded with hundreds of reviews when some are being overlooked. So well done you and PLEASE keep writing! Tee :) xxx