Reviews for Your Hero
FloraGriselda chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
I was hoping for a little more than that, no offense but maybe if you spared a little more time for it, i think it would be perfect. However, not bad! Really looking forward for another

Vheeri The Succubus chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
I have to agree with CodPar's previous review. When one mentions some place chaotic, you'd expect Snow to have to practically yell just to be heard as a whisper. And Hope's just a kid, one would wonder why said child was even in a bar or whatever. Even Maqui is a stretch since he's the most childish of NORA. Yuj may have been a better choice and based on what we've seen of his character alone, he could probably pick up on the homo vibes. It's stories like this that just jump to smut that may as well just get right to it and not bother setting anything up. Think of it like a bad porno. Most people will just skip to the action and couldn't care less about the actress' name.
Rinhail chapter 1 . 1/7/2011
Both well-written and hot~! :D
Sakuya Izayoi chapter 1 . 12/25/2010

*coughs, and clears throat* xD Well, not only was that the most in character, simply amazingly-believable SnowxHope fanfic I've read, but you even put in a lemon! I LOVE YOU! I'm adding you to my favorites!~

Please write more of this couple!
Sunshinecackle chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Hey, this was posted yesterdayyyy~ I'm so glad, too, because I think I'd die if it wasn't going to be updated again.

I really liked this, especially since I just got into the pairing. :3 Please, do continue.
Marronka chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
luv ya luv ya luv yaaa~! :D awesomely awesome awesomeness :D me wants moar :3
CodPor chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
That was pretty crappy. There was no apparent setting consistency: they go from a "crowded and chaotic" bar (where no one seems to notice an adult and a child getting intimate) to a hotel room without the slightest scene transition. The characterization of Hope falls pretty much flat; Snow is a little better (you captured his voice and mannerisms fairly well), but still seems awkwardly out of character in his decision-making. And then they jump right into generic sex, why not. Overall, just not a decent story.
Yatsuki chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Yay! A SnowxHope fanfic! The smut too!

I couldn't seem to find any major, horrible grammar mistakes in this story.

Just one thing... Since when did Snow and Hope move to the hotel bedroom. I mean, one moment they were still in that booth in the bar, and the next they were in the bedroom. It's a little confusing.

Anyway, thanks for the story! It's great! You definitely write more of this pairing. XD