Reviews for Book 2: Love faces many an obstacle
HarimaHige chapter 10 . 6/1/2008
dennisud chapter 10 . 4/9/2006
I see I was right, so Will Book 3 make Kei make his decision?

Nice Saga so far!

dennisud chapter 6 . 4/9/2006
So far so good! I like this and it seems Mutsumi's now more in the running as she's with him, but what of Motoko?


wdango chapter 1 . 1/7/2006
Oh, god. This dissapoints me so much...

I had high expectations of you...

-shakes head-

How could you make such a FOBby mistake?

Oneechan and Imouto-chan are two completely different things...
QvQ chapter 1 . 7/25/2004
Onee-chan is the japanese word for older sister. I believe you got it right in the first book..
Demon King Piccolo chapter 10 . 6/18/2004
Great story, but two questions. If Suu could have called her people any time, why didn't she bother to do so before? And if Natsumi's father is a cousin to Keitaro's grandmother, then doesn't doesn't that make a relationship with Mutsumi incest?
Hokata Yuy chapter 10 . 2/10/2004
This book seemed less interesting than the first one, maybe because there was less interaction between the characters.
and that part with the mafia... persons, i just skipped all of it, way too much of a chance just to put in a SI camio. and i sort of lost intrest when everyone was flashing back so much.
but besides that, i'm looking forward to the 3rd part.
hina blade x chapter 3 . 12/13/2003
very good story i like it alot
Keitaro chapter 10 . 8/31/2003
Please make this a Keitaro/Mutsumi.

Kippenberger chapter 10 . 8/31/2003
Please Make This A Keitaro/Mutsumi.

crosseyedbutterfly 2lazy2 sign in chapter 10 . 7/11/2003
Wonderful, absolutely. A few spelling errors and such, but that's to be expected. I can't really complain bc I have several of those in my own works. Um, one thing though. Do you mean reviewing when you say revising? Just wondering. Please, please, get the next chapter up as soon as you can. I can understand delays, but I really want to know what happens next. _

m chapter 10 . 6/19/2003
Please continue this story.
ChsBob9 chapter 10 . 6/8/2003

I'm loving it. One peice of criticism, please don't use the word "whilst." No one ever sais that. Please keep writing.
Kanako Himezaki-Urashima chapter 10 . 5/21/2003
*takes a whiff*

Wondrous. I can't find any other words to describe it. I've been reading a lot of Motoko/Keitaro fics both here and in other areas but this one seems to capture something about their relationship that others don't. I can't quite place what it is though but all I can say is that few authors I've seen can capture whatever that thing is. Admittedly, neither Kana nor myself can. Everything seems so fluid, so well thought out. All in all, a prime example of what USED to be the typical level of writing around here.
The Scar3crow chapter 10 . 4/20/2003
This story is brilliant. I've always liked the manga better than the anime, and I LOVE Motoko. Hope you can do book 3 sometime, I can't wait to see what happens.

And did you HAVE to end it with Motoko mad at Keitaro? :(
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