Reviews for Count the Ways
Jade of Purple chapter 6 . 12/17/2013
Beautiful story.
ABVM chapter 12 . 6/8/2013
I enjoy the whole story.
ABVM chapter 8 . 6/5/2013
ABVM chapter 6 . 6/5/2013
so sad. I'm still not over the series finale.
ABVM chapter 3 . 6/5/2013
I m moved by Arthur's change.
BlueNynaeve chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
These are amazing. I have reread them several times and each time I clench up with love for these two. Really lovely. I hope that you do them all.
Guest chapter 12 . 10/24/2012
Oh goodness. that was just brilliant. thankle you
Jadziwine chapter 12 . 10/23/2012
soooo frigging good!
Jadziwine chapter 11 . 10/23/2012
3 in 1 wooohoooo! i loved each of them individually and then all together! and that kiss! OMG that kiss!
Jadziwine chapter 9 . 10/23/2012
Jadziwine chapter 8 . 10/23/2012
this is exactly how it must have happened canonically! because theres no damned way Gwen would have eagerly volunteered to look after Uther. hell nobody else would have either. the insight that you put into your chapters, blows my mind!
Jadziwine chapter 7 . 10/22/2012
this was perfect. so romantic, so TRUE (because Arthur has constantly declared his love, but Gwen remained stoic and cautious, which was totally right because what if he fell out of love with her and she was all over him. it would be devastating for her to say the least) and once again FLAWLESS!
Jadziwine chapter 6 . 10/22/2012
here! take it! take ALL THE AWARDS! you've made me sob yet again! but this time i was not expecting it. so i'm writing this with tears streaming down my face and i'm a bit bitter about it since i feel quite foolish! but this was so wonderful and written so fantastically, i never stood a chance!
Jadziwine chapter 5 . 10/22/2012
all the feelings are brought back with this chapter. just so many feels! thanks for making me sob wildly, and for making me miss Tom all over again! i didn't even know i cared so much until i did! until reading this!
Jadziwine chapter 3 . 10/22/2012
this is head canon! you can't tell me this never happened or that this isn't fact. its too good to not be!
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