Reviews for The Story Of Us
21hugs chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
... I cried.
Islanda chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Wow, this was too sweet! I'm a loser and have never heard the song before, but I'm gonna listen to it tomorrow...going to bed now. :P

But this was really good! I found that TDWT left holes for what came of DxC afterwards, but I found this filled a lot in! I do hope that they get back together though, someday...
TheSocialLoner chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Fantastic. Completely fantastic, is what this is. It makes you think, too.

When did they go so wrong? What happened. *sigh* I'm as dismayed as Courtney.

Hehe, on a lighter note, you are a great writer! :D Keep up the awesome work.
babydon'tletmefall chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Right when I write something, you have to write a story to kick my story's butt. XD That was amazing, and I sincerely loved it. This was my favorite line, and I don't know why, but I loved it.

"I'm afraid to see the end. I think he might too, because despite everything, we haven't really officially ended it."

That was just perfect, I don't know why... But I thought it was beaufiful, :)

*sniffs* And a dedication, that was so sweet. *tears up* I don't deserve it, but thank you anyway. *hugs* Thanks Claire.

So yeah, all around epic. :)