Reviews for Careful What You Wish For
Grey chapter 22 . 4/5
Wow, that ending was incredibly disappointing.

Tsukune has completely no obligation, to help raise Gin kid no matter what he or Moka said.

Gin got into that situation because the was a terminal fuck up, why did he expects Tsukune to help him.

Moka wanting us to spend time with her son is low key creepy. Tsukune is well in his right to want nothing to do with her, he owes them absolutely nothing.

The ending with Tsukune & Moka, way to pussy out.

It took moka 20 years to give a simple apology, congratulations it took her a lifetime to do something that's child could (sarcasm).

Just because she apologized doesn't mean he has to forgive her. sure he can acknowledged it, but she is no way entitled to his forgiveness.

She legitimately ruin the lives of multiple people, all because she couldn't get over her own ego.

Tsukune been married happily for 20 years to Kurumu, but he is legit considering hooking up with moka when enough time passes?

The same woman who emotionally abused him,who cheated on him purely out of spite, who sleep with a former friend in his own home, because she knew it would hurt the most, and even having a child with another man.

That moka? The same Moka.

What about Kurumu? Imagine hearing that conversation from Kurumu perspective. Her husband and father of her child, for 2 decades. She's help him recover from Moka affair, she raised her daughter with him, was there for him at his lowest.

But hearing her the man she loves, even remotely considering taking back Moka and her bastard son.

Tsukune has been married for 5 times longer to Kurumu than Moka, and has an actual legitimate child with her.

Kurumu is a better wife in every single way to Moka. She takes his feelings into consideration, she willing to compromise, she supportive, she listens to him, most of all she never fucking cheat on him!

He was only married to Moka for 4 years, but married to Kurumu for 20!

What the fuck! Kurumu deserved Way better than that.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/18/2019
It seems really forced that apparently Kurenai wasn't raised in the human world after all, when Kahlua had already agreed, and it was part of the reason Tsukune chose her.
Akashiya would have said something in chapter 20 if he was against it, and at that point Tsukune had gained Akashiya's respect so it makes no sense that he would not let Tsukune raise his daughter how he saw fit.

Or for Tsukune just to go along with it. Did the author write out Tsukune's spine?
No real ending chapter 22 . 8/18/2019
A downer, better to have no ending than something rushed and half-assed which doesn't resolve anything, but just creates more loose threads.

Instead the author just killed Mizore offscreen, one of the central characters which is a real dick move.
Guest chapter 21 . 8/18/2019
The whole sex slave thing ruined the story for me, it was just gratuitous and stupid.

Not to mention disturbing that the author thought that was a good idea.
mclovin2012 chapter 7 . 7/14/2019
oh goodness love this bit at the end with the NFL linebacker tackle lol. tickles the fuck out of me. glad to have found ur stories again.
Dr.Nova07 chapter 22 . 6/28/2019
There are a billion versions of this storyline/plot(?), but even so I always come back to this one. Yeah there's a bunch of stuff in these variations I'm never going to be okay on, but even so the strength of the writing combined with the characters voices keep bringing me back. I'll always always love this one for the bits portraying Tsukune and Kurumu. Especially when Tsukune finally sees Kurumu for the person she is rather than the image he had of her of as some childish teenage girl with a silly crush. At this point, years after it was written, it's one of many of your fics I love to dust off and reread all over again. Thank you so much.
ignoto82 chapter 22 . 6/19/2019
Maybe I've already commented on this one years ago. Still, after rereading it I'll do it again:
sad, dark yet delightful and MASTERFULLY writed. Great work!
Shodai Uzukage- Naruto Uzumaki chapter 22 . 6/2/2019
Good story.
I was reading and I was thinking of the irony about how it all started because Moka did not want their vampire children to know Tsukune's parents and it looks like Tsukune has to hide the fact Kurenai even exists from them because he would have to explain he is a bigamist marriage.
Leefa chapter 22 . 3/4/2019
This was great! I love it. I like how you changed his personality to match more of true vampire Going to look up your other stories now.
matrice chapter 22 . 11/5/2018
The idea that it might have been difficult but not impossible would also fit better with the reactions from the other vampires -the difference between getting hit by lighting on a clear day, something that might be accepted as a rare occurrence, and self combustion, an impossible event that nobody would believe-. That said, to be perfectly honest, I kind of liked Ria's comeuppance in a kind-of-evil way (was actually kind of shipping her, partly because it would piss off Moka, but also because I liked how he "turned" her in the other fic -they had some chemistry and she kind of got caught in her own net-, and I saw some hints of that same characterization here, it was kind of teased... I guess that the thing with a character that was initially an enemy is that, being an enemy, it doesn't get personal, as in the case of a betrayal: the people that can hurt you the most are the one that you trust, since you put them in a position to hurt you, while with an enemy, you kind of see it coming, and it's "expected behavior"). In terms of Moka's responsibility, the fact is that after Tsukune left, she continued to have sex with Gin the following days (which seemed kind of unnecessary, since it wouldn't really make much sense for her to do that while he was not there to witness it, and as remarked in the previous chapters, if he changed him mind and returned while they were fucking it wouldn't exactly look good, to use an euphemism). I see this as akin to a fall out between two drug cartels -what goes around comes around, at least sometimes, you reap what you sow, and karma is a bitch- or someone OD'ing on a badly cut drug, in that besides the specifics with Gin, Ria and Tsukune, those were only "proximate" causes, but ultimately she was the origin of the whole thing, what set all in motion... as in those other examples, the real issue is not the particular event, but the whole chain of decisions that preceded it that are ultimately to blame, if it was not that, it would be something else, if it was not today, it would happen tomorrow... once she decided to betray and humiliate him with Gin, and did it in his face, things were over no matter what, all the rest are details. Mmm... not sure those are fitting metaphors. I would say it is akin to someone trying to poison someone, that prepared two glasses, one clear and one poisoned. She was trying to screw him, but someone swapped the chalices at the last moment, and she got screwed instead. To me, the bottom line is that her plan was to continue to betray and humiliate, control and emotionally abuse, her partner, and she thought she could get away with it because he couldn't break the chains tying him to her. He was basically like an indentured servant or chattle, who couldn't get out of an abusive situation, and she planned to exploit it fully. She thought she could screw him, unfortunately for her, she met someone who was even better at deception.
matrice chapter 22 . 11/5/2018
On the Yuki-Onna part, it would have been interesting to know more about how things developed, from Tsukune's information, it appears things were over before he was informed of the situation. For all of Moka's posturing, one thing worth noting is that if it's worth pointing out, and wasn't pointed out in their discussion, is that while Tsukune couldn't stop it, and didn't want to recklessly endanger his family over a cause that was already lost, it's not as if anyone else got off her ass and actually did something either. In the end, I should point out that taking the information in this chapter at face value, I get the idea that in practical terms he was able to produce much more positive outcomes by doing the dirty work and getting down to business. I don't see the current or former Moka, or the old Tsukune simply d*****g away self indulgently with no plan or ambition, wasing away in banality and triviality, perfectly innocent but also powerless and thus unable to effect any change, helping third world countries or contributing positively to the world. Him wasting his opportunities and talents and supring power to pursue perfectly banal goals would have maybe not put him before any difficult ethical choices (but would that really make him intrinsically better? A fly is "innocent" as well, because it doesn't have to face complex choices and doesn't have the power to affect anyone), but, well, malaria wouldn't cure itself, and an unchallenged Ria would me much more dangerous -as an aside, I would have possibly preferred him choosing Ria, partly because it would have pissed off Moka, partly because it would have been interesting to see him "convert" her into a better person like in the other fic, witohut even mentioning the old adage of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"... with all that he had to deal with, needlessly antagonizing a smart and deceitful opponent, and adding an enemy he didn't have to make to the list of troubles to deal with hadn't exactly been a smart choice... without directly confronting her, maybe he could have avoided some troubles like the Yuki-onna one, at the very least she wouldn't be trying to go after him at full steam becase she sees him as the person that spurned and humiliated her-.
matrice chapter 22 . 11/5/2018
I also would have preferred it to be a "natural" conception as in the original, in my opinion it makes more sense for vampires to have low fertility with other races, since after all Tsukune spent almost two decades with Kurumu and it's not as if the had a litter of children, but the kid was conceived early in their relationship, kind of mirroring what happened with Moka in the original -given that data point, in my opinion, it would make more sense, and be more realistic, for it to be a rare, but possible, occurrence-.
matrice chapter 22 . 11/5/2018
By that I mean that while she thought she could "get away with this", and would have been able to, had Ria not messed with her plans. Moka got the ball rolling causing this whole situation, anything else was a consequence of her actions -Ria would have never been able to interfere had she *not* decided to sleep with Gin, Tsukune would have never renounced her, her friend would have never spurned because they hurt the person they loved, etc.-. In particular, Tsukune had decided to renounce her *before* that, kid or no kid. The kid is just another living proof of the fact that she slep with Gin, but she had slept with Gin even before conceiving him, and it had happened right before his eyes, so the event that crossed his tolerance level had already occurred, he has hours of memories in his head proving it, and it was that that sparked their separation and their friends not really being willing to interact with someone that hurt a person they loved and showed herself to be unworthy of trust. The kid's only matters in that it demonstrates that yes, she let Gin cum inside her, but that's something that happened before, and independently from, his conception -and Tsukune was there for a good chunk of hours, so he doesn't need that to "make it real"-.
matrice chapter 22 . 11/4/2018
Again, when speaking of Moka's faults and responsibilities, the reason I say that the kid is not important is that while Ria had a hand in it, the key issue here is not that she got pregnant, but that she betrayed and humiliated her partner. The kid is a living reminder of that, but is also insignificant because it's not really about whether she used a condom or not, or whether vampires and werewolf can procreate. This is why the issue of whether she got pregnant or not, or whether she chose to keep it or not is irrelevant. She was the one that created this whole situation, thinking that she could get away with murder without any consequences. But it was not really about whether she got pregnant or not, the unacceptable bit of her actions came well before that. In short, it's not about the kid, it's about the betrayal.
matrice chapter 22 . 11/4/2018
I really didn't like the kid's take. Besides the whole "flirting with a guy's daughter in front of him", and his general smug, self important, braggadiocious, superficial and emotionally retarded attitude is irritating (basically, him and his mother could do no wrong, they could hurt people as they pleased and then it's unfair that they would have to bear the consequences of their actions, it's always someone else's fault, the world is against them, etc... a terrible combination of self pity and lack of awareness about the consequences of one's actions, or the fact that you can' t expect people to like you if you treat them like shit or positively antagonize them, like his mother did and as he followed -as mentioned above-.. at least Gin had the self awareness of knowing that Tsukune wouldn't be well disposed towards them after what they did -though apaprently he had gotten stupider over time, and expects the people he backstabbed to help him out-... we curiously never know what happened to the "girl he loved", I would think that "undependable asshole" and "serial sleeze with no respect for women", "betrayer of your friends" and "absent dad" that conceived a child out of wedlock wouldn't be much of a recommendation... basically, he took her for granted and thought she would wait for him while he did what he wanted, namely fuck around until he was bored... kind of like Moka, who expects Tsukune to be there for her given enough time -no mention of how time would be a relevant variable in the situation-), the way he talks of his mother being "abandoned" is absurd, he talks about that as if it was not a direct response to, and consequence of, her actions. Even more absurd when he talks about Tsukune in those terms, particularly knowing the background. He was in a relationship with her, he wasn't his mom and her his toddler, in which he was theoretically an equal (though that wasn't the case in practice), and therefore there were clear boundaries, promises, assumptions about their respective behavior. You can't humiliate and hurt someone and then become indignant when they don't like you (the same goes for Gin, his take actually surprised me somewhat, since he was perfectly capable of understanding Tsukune's point of view when he told Moka that he wouldn't be coming back). I find the use of the term "abandon" rather funny. It remove all context and agency from Moka. As if one day her father and her husband simply decided to up and leave. Newsflash, "abandon" was what his father did to him, not because of something he did, but because he didn't want to be around to raise him. If we were talking about someone publicly humiliating you, in an attempt to control you through threats and emotional abuse, then walking away from that situation is not abandonment, it's a perfectly rational response (there is a legal notion of "abandonment" or "desertion" which is grounds for divorce, obviously in this case Tsukune wasn't ignoring the duties and obligations that came from his marriage, but simply responding in a perfectly logical fashion to Moka's actions). She brought this upon herself, it was a direct consequence of her actions. This is the equivalent of burning down your house and then blaming the building for catching fire.
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